Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I pressed the frozen peas against my face. "So um. We planned a surprise party, but if you don't want to celebrate-" I cut Namjoon off. "No! I still wanna celebrate. It's no everyday you turn 23, you know." I said. "Oh. Well...uhm. Surprise?" Yoongi said. Jungkook hesitantly threw some confetti.

I laughed. "It's the thought that counts." I said. "Well. We're gonna go grab your presents." Hoseok said while him and Jin got up. "I'll help!" Jungkook called and hurried after them.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung said before tucking my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. "I'm so tired of this. I fought so hard, but it was no use. I screamed as loud as I could, but nobody came." I said. He nodded.

His eyes were narrowed, and I could tell he was angry, but he was trying to hide it. Every time he clenched his jaw he forced himself to relax. But I noticed it. No matter how hard he tried to hide it. I could read him as easily as a book.

The three that had left came back with their arms full of gifts. My eyes widened in surprise. "Gifts or cake first?" Jimin asked. He had popped out of my kitchen with a cake in his hands. "What do you guys wanna do first?" I asked them.

"It's you're birthday Noona. That means you get to decide. And if we don't like it we pretend we do, because like you said. It's not everyday you turn 23." Jungkook said. I smiled at the younger boy.

"Let's do presents first." I said. "Thank the lord, cause these were getting heavy. What did you guys buy her anyways?" Jin said with a sigh of relief.

Clothes. Lots of clothes. Apparently they all thought I didn't have a big enough selection to choose from. They also got me tons of jewelry. Bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. This was the most I had ever gotten for my birthday.

I usually got like ten presents. Shirts from my sisters, a mug from Sue, a card from 'Kate', and nothing from my parents. Dahyun and the others usually took me out to dinner.

"There were still presents, and I was already getting overcome with emotion. "Why did you guys get me so much?" I asked. "We're your friends! Well we are. Taehyung is more than that." Namjoon said. I blushed. "So? This is the most I've ever gotten." I said.

"I mean. Not to be rude, but we do have a lot of money lying around." Yoongi pointed out. I nodded. My friends and I weren't exactly the type to have extra money. Maybe every once and a while, but not the way the boys did.

"Well thank you." I said. Jimin smiled. "It's nothing really." He said. My favorite gifts were three books from Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok. I didn't tell the others that though. They probably wouldn't understand just how much I loved books. I had finally opened them all.

"Okay! Cake time." I said happily. Jimin disappeared then came back with the cake and the candles lit. Taehyung instantly started singing Happy Birthday. I couldn't stop a huge smile from creeping over my face.

My eye heart, but it was a distant throb in the back of my mind compared to the happiness I was feeling. I took a deep breath, mulled my wish over in my head then blew out the candles as best I could. They all went out in one go. "What'd you wish for?" Jungkook asked.

"I can't tell!" I said. "Aw! Why not?" He asked. "It won't come true if I tell you." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said. There was a knock on the door,

"I'll get it!" Taehyung said. I went to go put my presents in my room, but when I came out Jungkook was waiting for me. "Here. I didn't want to give it to you in front of everyone." He said in an uncharacteristically serious voice. He held something out for me. I took it gingerly.

I looked down at the can and read it. Pepper-spray. My blinked fiercely, trying to fight off the tears. "Thank you." I said in a choked voice. "Noona. I have a black belt...Do you want me to show you some self defense moves?" His voice was so sincere.

I hugged him. He was stiff at first, but then he relaxed and hugged me back. "Thank you." I said in between my tears. "It's all gonna be okay in the end Noona. Taehyung will fix this." He said comfortingly.

After I collected myself and put the pepper spray in my purse Jungkook and I went back to the others. I stopped. There was a women with platinum blonde hair in the livingroom with Tae. Her long hair was in a bun. She wore tight black slacks and a red blouse. She had a briefcase at her side. They both turned to me and Jungkook.

"Mijin. This is Jisoo. She's gonna put Jisung behind bars."

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