Chapter Four

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          I don't drink milk? I don't drink milk! God I was an idiot. How was that the best thing I could come up with. I had been looking forward to the chocolate milk!

          It was the day after my little excursion with Tae, and I still couldn't get over my lame excuse to wanting to see his face before he left. Suddenly the front door opened and I jumped up a smile plastered to my face.

          My heart fell. It was Jisung. "What are you doing here?" I asked with forced happiness. He had flowers and bags full of who knows what.

          "I wanted to surprise you, remember! I'm sorry about our little fight yesterday. I know you're not always the easiest person to please, but you are very easy to anger, so I forgive you."

          I debated on punching him in the face, but decided against it. "Thank you." I said through gritted teeth. "He handed me the bouquet with a wide grin spread across his face.

          Does he expect me to kiss him after that? God he's dense sometimes. I took the flowers and turned to find a vase. After setting them up I went back into the livingroom. He had his feet on the coffee table, and the mud from his shoes was getting everywhere.

          The present bags were on the opposite couch, and he motioned for me to get them. I walked over to them and that's when I saw Taehyung in the hallway making his way over. My heart fluttered and a smile spread across my face. I turned back to Jisung. "What is it?" I asked. He chuckled

          "You'll see." He said. But by the way he said it I instantly became suspicious. Our ideas of apology gifts were very different. Thankfully I didn't have to open it, because Taehyung entered. "Since you don't drink dairy milk I got you almond milk..." He trailed off when he saw who was in the room.

          I smile involuntarily. Even though I had lied about the milk it was still touching that he had gone and gotten me something else. Now that was an apology gift. Jisung got off the couch and came to my side. He threw his arm around my waist, and pulled me against him. He was so rough I almost fell over.

          I glared up at him. "What do you want?" Jisung said angrily. Tae stared him down. "For you to be a little more careful with your girlfriend. You do know she has a broken wrist, right?" Tae's voice held a hint of anger to it.

          "It's fine Tae." I said quietly. I gazed at our feet. "Ji Sung was suddenly moving and I was worried he was going to hit Taehyung, but then he grabbed the almond milk.

          "Thanks, you can leave now." Jisung said. But Taehyung wasn't looking at him. He was searching my face.

          "Actually Jisung...I made plans with Tae today." I said quietly. He turned to stare at me incredulously. He turned me roughly and my arm hit the wall. I bit back a cry of pain and gazed back at him.

          "What about me?" His voice was desperate. "I don't break promises." my voice sounded incredibly weak to my own ears and I hated it. "Fine." He slammed his lips against mine, and kissed me roughly. I broke it off after I got over my shock.

          Then he was leaving. He slammed the door behind him, and I slid to the floor. I held my arm against my chest and fought off tears. "Mijin...Are you okay? Did he hurt your wrist?" I let out a little laugh and wiped away the tears that had fallen without my permission.

          "I'm fine." I said giving him a small smile. I reached out and somehow grabbed the almond milk that Jisung had dropped. "Thank you. For this." I said. He shrugged, but he seemed on edge. "No problem. About before..." I cut him off. "It's fine. You know. He wasn't always like that. I don't know what happened, but I have hope in him." I said.

          Tae nodded. He sat down next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming when you did. I don't even wanna know what's in those bags." I said with a small laugh. "You might not be curios, but I am." He said. I laughed and moved to let him get up. He went around the couch and I leaned my head back against the couch.

          Suddenly his laughter filled the air. I got up to see what he was laughing at and my face turned red. He was holding up lacy red lingerie, and was doubled over with laughter. "Read the note!" He said. I tore the thing away from him and dug past the tissue paper to find the note on more lingerie.

Dear Mimi,

I know how much we love lace, and figured we could have fun later. I've missed seeing you, and I hope we get to be alone together soon. ~XoXo, Jiji

          I crumpled it up and glared at him. "Why are you laughing? This is embarrassing!" I said. He wiped away a tear. "Because it's funny." I stared at him. I couldn't tell if I was mad at him or not. "I wanna see what's in the other bags." He said heading straight for them. "Not before I look first." I said beating him there and blocking his view with my body.

          "This one's not so bad." I said. There was another note.


This is just a whole bunch of funny stuff I thought you would like. I missed you every day I was gone Mimi. Every single day, but these things reminded me of all your jokes. I love you. ~xoxo Jiji

          I dug around until my eyes fell on a hat. I stared it for a moment, trying to place where I'd seen it before. Then I remembered something Jinri had shown me from America. "He got me a Dickbutt hat!" I said in between my laughs.

          Then I hurried to the next bag where there was another note.

My Mijin,

These toys are for when you're missing me. ;) Lots of love, Jiji

          I didn't even want to know. But I looked anyways and really wished I hadn't. "Oh hell no! You've gotta be kidding me!"

          "I wanna see!"


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