Chapter Nine

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          I woke up in my bed under my big blue comforter. My body ached and I couldn't remember why, but then I remembered the events from the previous day.

          I stared up at my ceiling. Jisung hadn't been like that before. I didn't know what had happened to him. I was still a little bit in shock. It wasn't that I was a virgin, cause I wasn't, it was just terrible to be forced to do that. Technically I was still his girlfriend, but I had hated every moment of it.

          I pushed away the comforter and pulled up my shirt slowly. I had an ugly purple bruise under my boob, I could see another one peeking out from my back, my wrist was on fire, and my shoulders ached continuously. 

          I sighed. Hyejung had wanted me to tell the police, but I knew they wouldn't do anything about it. But still...It may be worth it if they actually did do something.

          But if he got away with it...He could come again. I knew he would come back if I pressed charges. He wouldn't forgive me. I pulled my blanket back up and over my head. It was like a cocoon.

          I felt warm and safe. My breath warmed up the blanket, and my eyelids began to grow heavy all over again. Suddenly there came a tentative knock on my door. I turned slightly and squeezed my eyes shut. 

          I heard somebody open the door very slowly. They paused in the doorway but then I heard them walking quietly over to the side of my bed. "Mejin." I twitched. It was Tae. He let out a long sigh and I felt him sit down  at my feet.

          Suddenly he laid his hand on my thigh. "I'm bored Mimi. Wake up soon." He said. I felt my heart lurch at the nickname. He staid like that for a few more minutes, but it didn't last forever. He got up with another sigh and I could feel him standing over my bed. 

          "Don't go." I called quietly. He suddenly pulled the blanket down and I met his eyes with my own. "Please don't go." I said. I reached out and grabbed for his hand.

          It was so much bigger than my own. He sat down next to me and held my hand in both of his. "Why not?" He asked with the slightest hint of a smirk. "Just stay with me." I said exasperatedly. Was it that hard of a thing for him to do?

          "Mijin I would, but I have to go to work soon." He said with a torn look in his eyes. I stared up at him. "Since when have you had a job?" I asked, being a little more blunt than I had intended.

          He gave me a small smile before saying, "Since before I met you." I nodded slowly. "How else would I have bought those groceries?" He asked. I shrugged. 

          "Will you tell me when you're coming back?" I asked. A guilty look crossed his face and he wouldn't look me in the eye. "I won't be coming back today. I have to go meet up with my family. I'm sorry Mijin. If I could I would stay with you." I nodded.

          "It's okay I understand." My heart gave a surprising jolt. I hadn't realized I would miss him so much.

          "I'll have the boys come check on you if you want. Or Jin anyways." He said softly. I nodded and took my hand from his before I pulled the blanket over my shoulders.

          "I promise I'll be here by the time you wake up tomorrow." He said earnestly. Then he was getting up. I watched him leave without saying anything. I closed my eyes, but was attacked by vivid images. I wanted to sleep, but I didn't wanna dream. 

           Tears already forced their way down my cheeks.

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