Chapter Sixteen

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          I woke up to the smell of burning pancakes. I sat up and looked over at Tae. His kitchen that had been spotless was now a mess. There was pancake batter everywhere and I could see him struggling to flip a pancake that was stuck to the pan.

          I scanned the area around him, but I couldn't see any non-stick spray or butter. "Oppa maybe you should leave the cooking to me." I said teasingly. He looked up sheepishly with a shy smile.

          "This is the first time I've actually used any of this stuff." He said but then his eyes widened as I stood up and walked over to him. "That's the first time you've actually called me Oppa." He said with his mouth hanging slightly open.

          "Yeah...I guess it is isn't it?" I said and looked down at the burning pancake. "Hand me that spatula." I said and reached out for it. He handed it over and I pushed past him. "Turn the heat off." I told him as I took the dead pancake to the trash and scraped it off the pan.

           "Do you wanna just have some eggs instead of pancakes?" I asked over my shoulder. Suddenly his arms were around my waist and he pulled me against him.

          "Eggs sound good." He said in my ear. His breath moved my hair and tickled my neck. I turned in his arms and set the pan on the island. He smiled down at me with his perfect little smile.

          "Hey, can I ask you a question?" He opened his mouth to respond but before he could I shoved some of the pancake in his mouth. "How does that taste?" I called with a laugh and buckled over as he let go and spat it out. "That was disgusting!" He complained. I giggled.

          I surprised myself, I hadn't giggled like that since Nari stayed with me for one of her holidays. "You'll be fine. Let's go out for breakfast! We usually only eat out for dinner with the guys." I said. He blinked at me in surprise.

          "Isn't it a little late for breakfast?" He pointed out. I glanced at the oven. 10:26. "It can just be a late breakfast." I said. "We could invite everyone!" I said happily. "Yeah..." I looked over at him there seemed to be something on his mind. "Tae? You okay?" He glanced up with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah! I'll just text them, hold on."

          I nodded and turned to look at my reflection on the black television screen. My dark hair was messy and I looked pale as I always did in the morning. I looked around for my phone but then whipped back to my reflection.

          I flushed when I saw I was only in one of Tae's shirts and some underwear. I had ditched my bra in my sleep.I glanced over at Tae. His thumbs were flying as he texted our friends. He seemed occupied so I hurriedly went grabbed my bra, and somehow put it on. "They said they'd meet us at 마이브런치카페"(MYBRUNCHCAFE)

          "Can we stop at my house so I can get some clean clothes?" I asked. "You can just wear some of my clothes." He said. I looked back at my reflection. "You're a little bigger than me Taetae." I pointed out. "So?" I scoffed.

          "So I'm gonna look like I'm drowning." He looked over at me with his eyebrows raised. "I think you'll look great no matter what you wear. But hey if you wanna make us late fine." He said. I groaned.

          "Fine! I'm raiding your closet!" I called as I took off down the hall he had disappeared down the other night. "Wait what!" There were only two open doors and one of them was a rather fancy bathroom so I was guessing the other one was his bedroom.

          I burst into his room only seconds before he did. "I'll give it to you Mimi, you're pretty fast when you wanna be." He said. I didn't say anything but moved past him to his closet that I could tell was huge.

          "Wait! Just let me pick something out for you." He said. I turned around skeptically. "Why? Got something embarrassing in there?" I asked, and before he could answer I threw open the doors.

          "Holy mother of Gucci!" His clothes were organized neatly into sections and were even color coordinated. But the biggest section was all Gucci. It took up pretty much half the closet. Gucci shoes, shirts, suits, jumpers, jackets. There was even a shelf that displayed Gucci jewelry, and Gucci ties were lined up on display.

          "Wow." I said and glanced at him. His hand was on his neck and he was looking at the plush carpeted floor. "I like Gucci..." He said shyly. "Yeah, no kidding." I said giving the closet another sweep with my eyes. "You can wear whatever you like." He said and turned to leave.

          "Wait!" Tae turned around quickly. "Will you bring me my jeans?" I asked. He nodded and left. I steered clear of the Gucci, and went to the more casual and what seemed less expensive. I looked over all his sweaters but opted for just a plain gray tee.

          I looked it over carefully. I looked at all his other clothes too, then I took off his shirt and threw it to the side. That's when Tae came in. "He- I'm so sorry!" He said and turned around instantly.

          I blushed uncontrollably, but I was glad I was at least wearing my lacy green matching set. I threw on his gray shirt as fast as I could. "Pants." I said quietly. He held them over his shoulder, refusing to turn around. I had to jump to get them on, but with a few more wiggling and jumping I got them on.

          "Sorry Mimi." He said in a small voice. "It's fine Tae. Let me brush my teeth then we can go. We don't wanna keep them waiting."

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