Chapter Fourteen

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          Tae pulled away slowly with a wash rag in his hand. That's why he was leaning! I realized and blushed. Nari closed her gaping mouth and coughed. "I need to go to the bathroom. Which door is it?" She asked, her face still slightly flushed.

          "The second one on the left." Tae said when I still hadn't said anything. She nodded and scurried away. "That looked so wrong Taehyung! Now she's gonna get the wrong idea about us!" I hissed at him.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have been looking at me like that." He said teasingly. I gaped at him. "W-what are you talking about?" I huffed. He smirked knowingly. "You know what I'm talking about Mijin." He said in a low voice even for him.

          I blushed and focused on our shoes. He lifted my chin with on of his fingers and forced me to look him in the eye. "I know how I make you feel." He smirked. I looked away. "Mijin." I slowly met his gaze again.

          "I need to do dishes before my parents see them." I said and pushed him away from me a little rougher than I had intended. He smirked then came over to help.

****Tae-me Skip****
(sorry i had to)

          My family was finally leaving. Nari was helping me in the kitchen quietly. She hadn't said anything about what had happened earlier in the kitchen, but I could tell she had questions on the tip of her tongues. "Go ahead and ask Nari." I said.

          She blushed and looked down at the floor. "Are you and Taehyung oppa dating?" She asked quietly. I laughed, because I wanted to know the answer to that too. But at the time being I was pretty sure that the answer was still no.

          "No." I said. She looked at me skeptically before asking, "Then what did I walk in on?" I shrugged. "We were having a conversation and he just reached past me for one of the dish rags." I said hoping she would buy it.

          "Whatever. I saw his other arm Mimi, and I saw the way you were looking at each other." She said haughtily. "I don't know what you're talking about Nariok." I said clearly ending the conversation. She sighed and went back to wiping down the counters.

            My parents came in and to my surprise they had smiles on their faces. "Mimi. Take care of yourself. You have some lovely friends here, and you need to surround yourself with more people like them. We love you!" My mother said.

          I stared at her in surprise. She never said nice things like that about any of my friends and she hadn't said 'I love you' since I was in highschool.

          Then she hugged me. I couldn't stop my mouth from falling open in surprise. My dad laughed and gripped my shoulder tightly, almost painfully. They released me and I bowed lowly before rising with a nervous smile on my face.

          Nari hugged me and followed them as they left my apartment. "I turned to the boys and my two remaining sisters in shock. "What did you say to them?" I asked happily. "Nothing really!" Jimin said with a laugh.

          "They asked us questions about you so we answered them." Yoongi said as if I wasn't very bright for not knowing that. "And they asked about us." Jungkook spoke up.

          "Why are you so surprised?" Seokjin asked innocently. "Our parents haven't been very friendly let alone loving to her for a very long time." Kiki said carefully. "Why not?" Namjoon asked. The three of us shared a look.

          I shrugged so Hye Jung said, "Well, no offense Mimi, but she's always been sort of the disappointment of the family. She left home a lot earlier than all of us too, but that's because her and our parents got into a huge fight so she just left and staid at a friends house before moving here to Chuncheon. I nodded along, thankful she had left out the reason the fight had started.

Jungkook looked at me with a bit of a surprised look on his face. "Noona was a bad kid?" He asked with shock plain in his voice. I shrugged. Hyejung scoffed. "Very disobedient. She used to sneak out and lie all the time and once-" I cut her off.

          "That's enough. It was in the past." I said grouchily. Tae was looking at me oddly and I couldn't help but feel guilty. "Anyways. Bye Mimi." Kiki said before hugging me and saying bye to the others then leaving.

           Hyejung wasn't far behind. She hugged me for awhile then said bye to the boys and was out the door. She closed the door with a slightly louder than normal bang.

          "Well I'm going back to my place if anyone wants to come. Mimi included." Jin said with a yawn. I was taken aback. I considered them all my friends, but I had never been invited to any of their houses.

          "I just want my own bed so I'll pass." Yoongi said. Namjoon and Hoseok agreed to going with him, but Jimin and Jungkook were going back to their houses. I glanced at Tae questioning him with my eyes. "We'll come hyung." Tae said. Jin smiled and nodded.

          "Oh!" I had suddenly remembered the growing pile of clothes and accessories in the corner. "Don't forget your stuff, guys!" I said while pointing to the pile. Kookie sighed but went over and grabbed a few of his beanies.

           Jimin had left a pair of socks, two hoodies, a ring, and a necklace. Namjoon grabbed a pair of glasses then headed out to Jin's car. Yoongi grabbed his jacket and hat, but thankfully Hoseok never forgot any of his things at my apartment. However there was still a lot of stuff that belonged to Tae.

          "Jin hyung. I'm gonna run this stuff home with Mijin then we'll be over." He said while grabbing his things. "Okay. Be careful you two." Jin said then he left.

           I ran to my room to grab my phone and charger then came back to grab my keys and toothbrush, then we were all leaving and I locked the door. We loitered around for a while outside of their cars. Then Yoongi left with a quick goodbye.

          Jiminie and Kookie both gave everyone a hug goodbye then they drove away and was just the five of us. "We'll see you soon!" Jin said while crushing me in a hug and then it was Tae's turn. Namjoon was still in the car but he smiled in waved at us after Hoseok hugged us both with a happy 'see you soon!'

          "Alright. We gotta stop by my house first." Tae said while opening the passenger side door for me to get in.

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