Chapter Thirteen

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          It had been six weeks after the kiss, and I was back at work. Kate didn't try to bother me anymore, and Sue had promoted me. We hadn't kissed any afterwards, so I didn't consider Tae to be my boyfriend and I'm not sure he considered me his girlfriend, and we definitely hadn't kissed since the first time.

           We had fallen into a routine. He slept over every weekend, Tuesday, and Thursday. In the mornings we would eat breakfast then head off to work or I would leave to the grocery store and leave a note.

          By the time I got back he would already be gone. On the weekends I hung out with all the boys. We ate out, went to the movies, or they all came over to my apartment.

Today was Friday and my day off. So I was home alone. Jinri and Jinyoung had gone back to the States to visit their families, and Dahyun was off with her boyfriend so I didn't really have any friends to hang out with when Tae and the boys were busy so I was cleaning the apartment.

          One bad thing about having the boys over so often was that my place was usually a wreck. There was an ever growing pile of hoodies, hats, and jewelry that they had left behind and kept forgetting to take home.

I was scrubbing dutifully at the dishes when there was a knock on my door. My head snapped up. No one had told me they were coming over. My heart pounded in my chest as I went to go look through the peephole.

          I sighed in relief. My mom blocked most of my view from the peephole, but I could barely see my father and my little sister. I opened the door and bowed before moving out of their way to let them in. Then I realized it wasn't just Nariok that was with them, but Hyejung and Kimyeong were both there too.

"Mother, Father. Why are you here?" I asked. My mother looked me over with careful calculating eyes before answering in a contempt voice. "Your unnies told your father and I what happened." I glanced over at Hyejung and Kimyeong.

          Kiki shrugged and Jungie wouldn't meet my gaze. Nari stepped forward and hugged me. "Mom's really worried she just doesn't know how to show it." She whispered in my ear. "I know." I whispered back before we let go of each other. My father stood behind all of us still slightly in the door way.

"Dad you can come sit down." I called. His eyes swept over my apartment and lingered on all of the boys' things. I mentally slapped myself for not forcing them to take their things home last time they were over, but he came in all the same and shut the door.

          "Mimi. Your mother and I want you to place a restraining order on the Jisung." He said in a slow voice. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off, "It happened twice in one week Mijin." He said angrily. I looked down at the floor, too scared to look either of my parents in the eye.

I had always been the disappointment. Hyejung was a doctor. Kimyeong owned multiple apartment buildings, and Nariok was top of her class, where I had been good in school, but not the best and now worked at a boutique.

          I had left home earlier than Kiki and Jungie, but that was because they didn't want me there anymore. Kiki had offered me an apartment to stay at so that I could be close to her and Hyejung. Obviously I accepted. Nari was going to be an engineer, and here I was.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked them finally. "Yes please unnie." Nari said in her pretty wind-chime-like voice. I think we all want some." Kiki said with a pointed look when our mother was about to object.

          I nodded and started to brew it when suddenly my door opened and in walked Tae with all the boys. I wanted to scream at him for never knocking, but that would make matters worse.

          Nari's eyes widened in shock, and my parents became very stiff. A look of shock crossed Tae's face and it looked like he might've been blushing.

"Taehyung!" I said sharply with a sideways glance at my family. "Sorry I didn't know you were having people over." He said. Jungkook and Jimin snickered, but Jin hushed them. "We'll leave, I'm very sorry." He said with a bow to my family.

          "No it's fine. You guys can stay we only came to check on Mimi." Hyejung said. "We were just about to have tea come sit with us." Kimyeong invited with a smile on her face. Tae flicked his eyes over to me a question in them but I shrugged.

          If he refused he would seem rude, but it was obvious my parents were not very happy about my friends.

"Thank you." He said and took off his shoes before coming into the living room. The boys followed suit and the all bowed to my family a couple more times. I sighed. This was either going to go terrible or well enough to where my parents didn't hate my friends.

          "Boys will one of you turn on the tv?" I called from the kitchen and a few seconds later I could hear the tv. I looked into the living room to see them all talking.

          Jin and Namjoon were in a conversation with my parents, Yoongi and Hoseok were talking to Hyejung, while Tae, Kookie, and Jimin were talking to Kiki and Nari.

          I set back to work on the dishes, because I knew if my parents saw how many there were they would throw a fit. Suddenly I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. They leaned down and rested their chin on my head.

          I looked down at Tae's tan arms before letting out a small laugh. "What do you think you're doing?"I asked. I felt him shrug before saying, "I just missed you." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned in his arms, making him lift up his chin, to face him.

          "We saw each other this morning. Plus you guys never come over on Fridays." I said. He shrugged again.

"Do you want help?" He asked in a soft voice. I nodded. Suddenly he was leaning closer to me and I realized just how close we were.

          His scent wafted over me and on of his arms left my waist and found the counter. "Unnie, I was..." Nari stopped in the middle of her sentence as she saw me and Tae.

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