Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 7

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Part 7

Zayn's POV

The beautiful girl next to me seemed to have such a shitty life. Now I feel bad for getting this drunk about Perrie breaking up with me. I actually can't believe I'm listening and understanding what she's saying right now from how wasted I am. Well I'm doing my best. I'm so deep in thought I didn't notice she stopped talking. "What?" she asked "You've had a hard life" she sniffled resting her head on her knees "I know" "Why don't you stay at my place tonight since you don't have anywhere else to go?" she squinted at me "Promise me one thing first" "Okay I promise" "I haven't even said anything yet!" I shrugged "Just remember you promised!" she stood up pulling me with her as we speed walked down the street "Where're we going?" I whined "To get you sobered up. Drinking isn't always the magic in life that makes the pain go away you know." I nodded agreeing "But it helps" "When you don't have so much where your insides are burning" "True" "Let's see..." she said talking to herself as we approached an old building She played around in the rocks for a few seconds until picking up a rock and pulling a key out of it "Woah how'd you do that?!" "You're really drunk" she replied opening the door for us. The place we entered is a gym of some sort "This is illegal" "Yeah, your point?" "Wait how'd you..." "Saw the owner do it earlier" "Oh" Minutes later I was on a treadmill walking as fast as I could with a bucket and water bottle at my side "Why are you making me do this!" "You promised! And this is how you sober up!" Not even a few minutes later I was puking my guts out in the bucket relieving my body of some of the alcohol I consumed. The girl handed me the water bottle and I rinsed and spit. "That...was...torture" I said breathlessly "But you're more sober are you not?" I put the bucket done and drank the water shaking my head "We should get out of here now" she agreed "So where is it that you live?" she asked hailing a taxi "1309 Pickery Lane" I told the driver as we entered the cab she looked conflicted "What's wrong?" "That's my Aunts street" my mouth formed an 'O' We arrived 20 minutes later to Niall's house, I hope he doesn't mind guests. "Okay so there are other people here, you have to be really quiet, and you can only stay one night. We're leaving to America tomorrow" "Where exactly?" "Illinois" her eyes got wide "I don't know if this is weird or not but can I come? I kind of actually live there and my Aunt definitely won't buy me a ticket. I have 200 pounds. Please I just need a little help getting home." She gave me puppy dog eyes and bit her lip, man she's sexy "Yeah that's fine I have enough money." "Thank you so much!" she hugged me, squeezing me tight I opened the front door quietly The girl following closely behind me. All the lights are off so I took her hand and guided her upstairs. We got to the room I thankfully didn't have to share and I closed the door. "You don't mind if we share the bed do you?" I whispered taking off my shoes and jeans "Nah it's fine" she replied also taking off her shoes and jeans "Do you care if I take my bra off?" I froze and gulped "Ah no, that's fine" I looked up to see her with her hand up the backside of her shirt and taking her bra off slowly She caught me staring and said "What's your name?" now getting into bed I followed her lead slowly "Zayn and yours?" "Zoey" we were both cuddled in the covers now and our faces were closer than intended She looked at my lips as I looked at hers "Nice to know" she said moving her lips onto mine Our lips moved in sync as she immediately straddled me without breaking the kiss I pushed my tongue into her mouth our tongues fighting for dominance Zoey moved her hips against mine and everything moved so fast. Before I knew it our clothes were nowhere to be found and we were having passionate, hot sex.

*The next morning*

I woke up seeing Louis in front of my face, I screamed "What the fuck dude!" "Time to wake up Zaynie boy!" "You gave me a heart attack!" "Well you're up now and breakfast is ready so hurry up, don't want to miss the flight!" "Okay I'll be down in a bit!" he left the room and I got up moving to the bathroom hearing the water running "Who?..." Oh gosh Zoey! I can't have the lads see her! I walked into the bathroom "Whose in the shower?" I asked cautiously in case it was one of the boys "Felicia" Who the fuck is Felicia?! I moved the curtain back a bit seeing Zoey "Zoey what are you talking about" "I was testing you. You passed." She smiled "I have to shower will you please hurry up?" "Come join me" she said seductively and I couldn't deny

Kelsey's POV

After Zayn and I's fun shower together he told me I couldn't be seen by the other people in the house because they'd think I was a whore. Honestly, I don't care what people think about me so I decided to stay and not sneak out the window. We got dressed and walked downstairs together, arm in arm.

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