Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 31

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Part 31

Zayn's POV

We watched her perform and she was amazing and danced so beautifully. After the show we all went backstage to try and see Kelsey, but the security guards wouldn't have it "I'm sorry to have overheard, but you're looking for Kelsey Maxwell, right?" a guy asks us "Yes! I really need to find her" I say "I'm Elijah I worked with Kels. She hasn't been here the past two shows, no one knows where she is and undoubtedly she's fired." "Who was on stage then?" "A fill in, Paulina, girl moves around like a horse compared to Kelsey if you ask me." Wow and I thought she was good, Kelsey must be unbelievable then. "Okay, thanks." "No problem" and he walked away "You don't think she's, dead do you?" "Zayn!" the girls all screeched at me "Why would you think that?!" yells El "El. She's been gone for two days, from the most important show in her life." This made everyone silent "I heard you all talking about Kelsey, she was just here, totally fired, but was here an hour ago." "She's alive!" Exclaims Louis I can breathe again "Do you know where she went?" "No idea" "Do you know where she lives?" "Nope, I'm the stage manager hunny. You think, I have that kind of information?" he laughs and walks away "Well at least she's alive!" says Niall

Kelsey's POV

I open the door to my apartment and say "You can stay over if you want. The commute from here to your house every day isn't worth the gas money or traffic." "Okay thanks" Nate smiles "I called my boss and he made a meet up date for you and the girls in California in four days. Think we can make it?" "Hell yes. We'll start packing tomorrow; today we can start loading the boxes into your car that are already packed." "Sounds like a plan" "Follow me and I will show you the pile" "How long have you been living here?" "About four and a half months, I'm a procrastinator." "By the amount of boxes unpacked I can tell!" he laughs and we start carrying the boxes to his car 40 minutes later we're done. "I'm exhausted" "I'm hungry" he laughs I grab my plugged in phone, now at 100 percent and unplug it "You like pizza right?" "Yeah anchovy" I look up "We're getting cheese if you want anchovy the old lady down the hall likes to feed the stray cats I'm sure she'll have some." He laughs "You're really funny" "This would be my hangover. The show will be over tomorrow sadly so enjoy it while it lasts" I smile and dial the pizza place. The pizza arrives and we dig in talking to each other and enjoying the food. We just talked all night really. I wake up in Nate's arms and I don't want to leave they're so comfy. He moves "Good morning" I smile "Morning" I sit up and stretch and get up to look for food in the fridge, nothing. "Do you want to go out with me?" I turn around "On a date?" he asks  "Yeah" he smiles "Yes, I say now, for breakfast?" "Let me brush my teeth and we can go" we both smile "Extra toothbrush is under the sink" I change into a cute sweater dress and leggings while he brushes his teeth. Then I brush my teeth and we head out. We finish breakfast and I have to say this was the best date ever. Now we're walking back to my place holding hands. "So my boss called me this morning and apparently-" I cut him off by kissing his lips, he kisses back and smiles "What was that for?" "I just really wanted to kiss you" he kisses me this time "As I was saying, the girls found out that your ex is Zayn and they're freaking out a bit." I stop in my tracks. I totally forgot about him, I love him. What am I doing with Nate. I let go of his hand, fuck this is gonna be bad. "Nate..." "You forgot about him didn't you? And I brought him up and now you don't want to date me anymore." I smile sheepishly "Dammit I always ruin things for myself!" "If it makes you feel any better, you made me forget him. He's been on my mind every day for four and a half months and you made me forget for a day. So thank you." "Does this mean we can still go out?" "I would love to but my heart wouldn't be in it" "I understand" "Sorry Nate. If I met you in a year I would for sure say yes." "But don't you need to move on from him?" "Yeah but I still love him and he wants me back, but the way it ended, I just don't know if I can forgive him" "How did it end? If you don't mind me asking" I exhale deeply "He couldn't handle my past, he judged me by it, and used it against me." "That's terrible. Hey what do you say to being an us? I won't ask about your past as of right now and you won't ask about mine. We can start a new life and date because we like each other and we can see where it goes. I know that you still love Zayn but maybe dating me will make you love him a little less each day and maybe you'll start loving someone else, maybe me even. You need to move on at some point and it's been almost half a year. That some point can be now." I groan "Why do you have to be right?" I bite my lip as he takes my hands "So, Kelsey, will you be my girlfriend?" I look into his eyes and say "Yes"

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