Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 8

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Part 8

Harry's POV

"Tanya?" I ask aloud shocked as fuck as she descends the staircase with Zayn arm in arm She looks at me exasperated pulling slowly away from Zayn "You know my sister?" she asked hesitantly "Umm..." Louis said dumbfounded "Your sister?" I asked "Well my name's not Tanya and I have a twin sister so either you're crazy or..." "Wait who are you then?" she looked at Zayn as if testing him "Lads this is Zoey. She's going to be flying to America with us." he replied I gave her a once over, man they are really identical "Why? No offense" Niall asked "Non taken and I'm going back there anyways so why not with some new friends?" she replied "You two really look alike" I blurted out "Well we're not called identical twins for nothing" she laughed a bit nervously

Kelsey's POV

Holy crap how do these guys know each other! I can't get mixed up in a group of friends not after what happened last time. There was an awkward silence after my 'laugh' so I decided to break it and ask when the flight is "Here have a seat love" offered brown haired guy I smiled at him and sat on the couch as Zayn sat down as well "At 7" answered Zayn I nodded and looked at the clock "It's 6:30 right now" "WHAT!" screamed loud dude Curly head grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the car "Go! Go! Go!" screamed brown haired guy What is happening! The boys were all carrying suitcases and bags to the car quickly They all piled in "Step on it!" Curly shouted worried "Paul is going to kill us if we're late again!" squeaked Irish guy "Who's Paul? Actually let me rephrase that, who are all of you?" I asked "Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis" Zayn pointed to each boy "Nice to know and Paul?" "Our bod-" Zayn covered his mouth abruptly "Our boss and he'll kill us if we're late for the thousandth time" he added and pulled his hand away from Louis' mouth They all looked confused now "We're here!" shouted Liam A bunch of guys rushed up to the car grabbing our things "Hey!" I shouted at them but Niall pulled me the other way "It's okay they're with us" He dragged me to the private jet "Woah..." I said to myself Who are these people! We all got on the plane and sat down buckling up "We've been here for an hour" Liam looked into my eyes and said seriously "Got it?" I was about to speak when a very muscular guy walked in "Where have you lot been?! It's 7 on the dot!" he shouted "Paul I don't know what you're talking about we've been here for an hour" answered Louis Paul squinted at him and looked around pausing at me "Who're you?" "Felicia" I answered "Zoey" corrected Zayn "Zoey" I said biting the inside of my cheek Dammit I have to remember that! He gave me a weird look "Short term memory loss, sorry. Felecia's my sister, long story." He ignored my response "We're taking off in five" and walked out I let out a breath of relief "You have another sister?" asked Harry Just when I thought I was off the hook! "Yup, my Mom had triplets" "Any other siblings we should know about?" asked Zayn curiously "No, it's my life not yours but I have 12 if you were wondering"  "12?!" shouted someone I nodded "Man your Dad must be getting a lot of..." "Dude!" yelled Harry "Money if he has 12 kids. See Harry I wasn't going to say sex." Louis replied sticking his tongue out "What're their names?" asked Zayn looking actually interested "Well there's 12 including me and Braden, Jamie, Catherine, Tyler, Sammy, Carlos, Marina, Lexi, Tanner, Tanya, Felicia, and me." "Are your sisters as hot as you?" asked Harry smugly "Nowhere near" I flirted back Then the flight attendant came out offering us things, I hadn't even realized we took off.

*13 hours later*

The whole flight was like an interrogation on me! How old is your oldest sibling? Where do you live? What are your hobbies? I was ready to strangle someone! Thank God the flight is over! "Zoe can I talk to you for a second?" asked Zayn as we exited the plane into the airport "Sure" I sighed "Thanks for everything yesterday" "Yeah, no problem" I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm "I'm not done" "Okay" I stayed where I was and he let go "I really don't remember much of last night, but I do remember is that you've had a shitty life. I feel like I can open up to you any time. Like I've known you forever and I can barely even do that with the lads." Oh no this is going downhill fast "Zayn..." "Zoey, I just..." "Stop!" "Zayn I'm sorry, last night was a weak moment for me and I caved I'm not the kind of person you think I am!" "Yes you are! You're Zoey an..." I cringed "My name's not Zoey!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me whilst he was talking He stared blankly at me "W-what?"

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