Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 12

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Part 12

Kelsey's POV

Days have passed since the boys came to my door. No one but Zayn recognized me. It's not like I minded it though, fresh starts are always good, right? Well all I can tell you about them is that they're loud! I can hear them all the way from next door! Liam and a girl are actually on the couch right now watching TV. Before you say anything no I'm not a stalker they just haven't figured out that they need blinds in that room. They seem to be really happy. I quickly grabbed my polaroid camera and take a picture of them. I love candid moments, they always seem so...perfect.

Harry's POV

"Lads looks like we've got a Directioner on our hands" I say "Why do you say that?" asks Zayn I pointed to Kelsey as Niall shivers creeped out at her taking our picture "Lets go confront her then!" shouts Lou running out of house "No Louis!" yells Paul chasing after him

Louis's POV

I run up to Kelsey's door ringing the bell, she answers "Yes?" "You took a picture of us" she looked at me shocked with wide eyes "Sorry I just..."  "Do I know you from somewhere?" I cut her off realizing she looks really familiar, she stops "I have to go." "Don't ignore the question!" I shout putting my foot in the door as Paul comes up from behind me freaking Kelsey out more "Ms. I'm sorry that he's disturbing you but he saw you taking pictures of the lads and we're going to need it." "Yeah, I'm a photographer. Liam and the girl had a picturesque moment and I just had to capture it, sorry! I didn't think you saw." she went and grabbed the picture from behind her throwing it at us and slammed the door I picked up the picture admiring it's beauty and walked away with Paul. We arrived back at the house and walked in to the lads yelling at me "Hush my fellow band members!" I yelled and that seemed to shut them up "She played coy and said she was a photographer, but I think she meant paparazzi." They all groaned "How did she find us so fast?!" Liam runs his hand through his hair in frustration "Oh and here's the picture she took. It's actually really good!" They all look at it and "Awws" erupt around the room "Boys I think you're wrong about her. This is a polaroid picture, not something you would put in a magazine." Spoke Sophia "She's right. Let's go give the picture back." Everyone agrees walking over to her door yet again but Harry knocked this time

Kelsey's POV

"What do you want now?! To accuse me of something else?!" I yelled at them before the door was even open all the way "Sorry Kelsey Lou just has a vivid imagination; we believe that you're not a pap." Zayn spoke "What the hell are you talking about?" "Umm it doesn't matter now, but here's your picture back" Niall says I grab it out of his hand "You know you can just ask us for a picture or an autograph if you're that much of a Directioner" smirked Harry "A what?" "Directioner, it's what our fans are called" said Liam "What fans?" "One Direction fans" said the girl "Oh well I'm not a fan you must be confused." "What?! Not a Directioner?! We'll fix that in no time! How about you come over for some lunch! You and Sophia can chat!" Lou offers "No thanks" "Come on Zoey it'll be fun!" urges Zayn I shoot him a glare and the rest of the guys gasp "That's where I know you from!" shouts Lou I take a deep breath "Hello again..."

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