Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 5

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Part 5

Kelsey's POV

The rest of the day I ate at random places and walked around the city leaving Kira at home. It's 5:00 pm right now so I should start heading back. Man my feet hurt! I probably shouldn't have worn my new boots as long as I did today. I pulled my phone out of my pocket seeing 54 new text messages from Aunt Ally, shit! I started jogging down the street seeing only a blond haired guy about my age on the other side of the sidewalk. I arrived at the house now trying to control my breathing. I walked through the front door seeing a pacing Aunt. I ran right up to her and hugged her "Oh my gosh Aunt Ally I was so scared! I went out to go get groceries and then I got lost and I've been trying to get back here since I left and then I lost Kira! I'm so sorry!" "Kira said she was here the whole day, alone! That you went out to deliver cookies and was completely rude to her!" she pulled me away from the hug "She's eight she needs to learn to stop making stories up in her head" she sighed and hugged me "Okay well are you alright?" I took a deep breath, she bought it I smiled shyly "I'm fine now that I'm home." Her eyes scanned over my body checking to make sure I wasn't lying Her eyebrows became furrowed when she came to my feet "Are those new shoes?" Fuck! "No I wore them here" "No...you had brown boots on" she stared into my eyes "Where's the Girl Scout money?" "I-I was robbed when I got lost" "No, no you weren't. That would've been the first thing you told me when you came in through the door." I was speechless, I had no more excuses "You know it's been a long day I'm going to go to sleep" I broke away from her hold and started up the stairs "How did the job search go today?" I froze putting on a smile and turning around "Great! I got a job...at Walmart, with Dylan! Goodnight!" I tried going back up the stairs, but failed when she started to speak again "Wonderful, now you can pay rent at 130 pounds a month and pay off the 10 pounds from the Girl Scout Cookies." I cringed "Al I didn't know you wanted it. I thought since I delivered them I could keep it! And wait...10 pounds?" "Yes , 10 pounds now go to your room! I'm very disappointed in you Kelsey! I'll wake you up at six tomorrow for work." "Six?! As in a.m.?!" "That's what time Dylan gets up so yes! Go now!" "What the fuck?!" I screamed "Kelsey!" Ally shouted back "There is no cursing in this household!" I rolled my eyes and went to my shared room I slammed the door, I feel like I'm in jail. How the hell am I supposed to get all that money I don't have a job!  Well at least I have my new shoes which were 100 pounds so either the lady gave me 100 by mistake or she gave me a huge tip!

*Next day*

"Kels wake up, it's time to go" I heard a male voice I groaned "You don't want my Mum coming up here do you?" I jumped out of bed "Nope!" Dylan stood there with a smile "Hurry up I don't want to be late for my job and as for you, well I hope you find one soon" "I'll be ready in 10" he nodded and left

*Arriving at 'work'*

"So I actually have to go to work I suggest you try and find a job" Dylan said as we walked up to Walmart "I have my ways Dyl, don't worry about me" we walked into the store and straight to the employees only area "I'll stay here for a bit then I'm gonna go get something to eat I'm starved!" "Here" he said handing me money "Thanks" I smiled and hugged him goodbye He left the lounge area only to be confronted by an especially young, hot guy, they seemed to be talking about something. The guy looked at me and just by that look I can tell he is one of those douches who wants to fuck every girl in sight. He opens the door and walks into the room. "So you single?" he asks me "What's it to you?" "I'm looking for some entertainment, store has no business at these shit hours" That's when it came to me "You got money?" "How much you askin for?" I bit the inside of my cheek "200 pounds" His eyes became huge "Pricey much?" "Let's just say I'm that good" I winked He pulled out his credit card and walked to the ATM across the room getting the cash I requested, once in his hand I started backing up to the warehouse part of the store him following closely in front I took the money from his hand as he pushed me up against the shelf "I'm Ray" "Olivia" His lips hovered over mine "Nice doing business with you" he spoke before he smashed his lips against mine

*However long later*

I put my clothes back on and walked calmly out of the warehouse and the store. Well that was refreshing now to find transportation with my new found money, better yet...garbage truck, score! I hopped on the metal ladder on the side as it drove off with me on it. I've always wanted to do this!

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