Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 13

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Part 13

Kelsey's POV

After explaining everything that happened about the whole 'Zoey' thing I actually started to enjoy the guys' company. Harry's face was the best though when he found out we slept together and not with my 'sister'. I miss having people to talk to. I feel like my life is finally starting to come back together, especially I sold the picture of Sophia and Liam together online. It sold in not even a minute! For the set price of $500.00 too! Yes, that is a bit pricy for a picture, but since they seem to be in a band with actual fans I thought I could raise it. I went to bed that night more at peace with the world than I have been in a while and it felt great!

Liam's POV

"Does anyone know why Zayn is sitting behind Kelsey's bush?" I asked "Woah Liam is getting dirty over there! I'm so proud!" shouted Harry squeezing me to death "No you idiot he's literally behind one of her bushes whilst she's watering her flowers" he looked out the window with a confused face and let go of me "Well why don't we just go ask him?" said Niall "He looks as if he's...no! Zaynie has a crush!" Louis shouted running to Zayn

Kelsey's POV

Louis comes running outside screaming God knows what as I'm watering my plants and enjoying my music. He waves and I wave back shaking my head and yet again tending to my flowers. I see out of the corner of my eye the rest of the boys venture out of the house but Louis is no longer in sight and Zayn isn't with the bunch. What are they up to? I turn off my music and move to the trees on the other side of my porch when I see movement in a bush and all of the guys are gone. I spray the big bush with the hose and they all come running out screaming and complaining that the waters cold. I burst out laughing "Would ya'll like some shampoo with that shower?" I laugh at the wet bunch "Kelseyyyy!" whined Harry "I'm gonna get you for this!" yelled Zayn "Ah ah ah...I'm like a museum boys, you can look but you can't touch!" I smirked and they all charged after me at once I screamed spraying them with the hose yet again but someone took it out of my hands and now I was being sprayed with it! I squeezed my eyes shut and suddenly, all the chaos stopped. I opened my eyes looking around me to see all of the boys at the edge of the pool ready to jump. All except one... "Where's...ahh!" "Zayn put me down!" I slammed on his back "Okay!" he threw me in the pool and the rest of them joined I popped to the surface taking in a big breath "Great now I'm wet!" I pouted They all laughed "Hear that Zayn? She's wet!" joked Harry "Harold!" I smacked him as he laughed and swam out of the pool "You guys can swim if you wish but I'm going to go get cleaned up" "Aww Kels please stay!" begged Louis I laughed nodding my head and walking into the house sopping wet "Now where's that towel...ah here it is!" I squeezed my hair out and stripped down walking to the bathroom for a shower. Once I was done I got dressed in a new outfit of mine. The boys were no longer in the pool so they probably went to change. "You have one new message" said the answering machine I walked up to it hitting play "Hello this is Carmen from Northwest Bank of America we are sorry for your loss. But I have to inform you that Evan Maxwell was late on mortgage payments, bills, and other things for a number of months. There have been multiple eviction notices on your door throughout the last month. Therefore you have 30 days to clear out before the house becomes the banks property; unless you can get the100,000 dollars of your debt paid within that time. Sorry and have a nice day." My heart stopped, I could no longer breath, and the world was spinning around my head bound to crash at any moment. I grabbed onto the countertop for support. This can't be happening. I need to get that money! I can't lose the memory of my parents and my home! I was hyperventilating and pacing officially in freak out mode. I could use my money for college, but I only have 14,000 saved up! It wouldn't even make a dent! I fell to the floor in a heap of tears. I'm going to lose everything...all over again.

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