Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 14

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Part 14

Zayn's POV

I walked up to Kelsey's door and knocked "What do you want!" she screamed rather rudely "Uh it's Zayn we wanted to know if you wanted to come over for a movie?" I could hear her crying through the door "Kels are you alright?" I ask and she doesn't answer "I'm gonna come in whether you like it or not, just a warning" I spoke turning the knob on the door and seeing Kelsey curled up in a ball sobbing like there was no tomorrow. I ran to her side cradling her in my arms "What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" she hiccupped and dug her head into my chest crying more than before. I just held her there rocking back and forth, comforting her. About an hour or so later of her sobbing and breaking my heart she sniffled and spoke softly "They're taking the house..." "Who?" "Tt-he bank" I had no words to comfort her, no wisdom to give, that was Liam's thing. All I could stupidly say was "Where're you going to live?" "I-I don't know" she got up and turned away from me "I can't lose this house. It's all I have left." "I wish I could help..." "If you had 100,000 dollars that'd be great!" she sniffle laughed "Well I don't have that much money but the lads wouldn't mind helping you out! We can all pitch in! Then you can keep your house and everything will be okay again!" "Zayn, no, I was kidding you guys can't do that for me, you barely even know me! I'm not some charity you can just go and give all your money to. I need to work for it." she sniffled There was a few seconds of silence which felt like minutes "You need to leave" she spoke "Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I could..." "Zayn leave." She snapped I got up without another word and left.

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