Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 22

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Part 22

Kelsey's POV

All I've been thinking about lately is getting back at Harry and it's really hard to do homework when your brain keeps sidetracking you! You know who I should call? No not Ghostbusters. Although I could use their sucky machine, maybe that'll help me with getting back at Harry. I shake my head okay Kelsey keep on track. I call Joielle, my old trainer, super strong, super fit women who could probably throw Harold off a balcony. I can already tell this is going to be perfect!

Zayn's POV

Kelsey's calling, great! Now maybe I can ask her out! "'ello" "Is Harry sleeping?" "Well considering it's two in the morning, yes." "Great I'll be over in a sec." "What?" she hung up okay that's weird I see her and a very muscular women behind her coming to the door I open it "Payback" my mouth forms in the shape of an 'O' Harry's so going to regret his prank. Kelsey walks upstairs, with the girl, quietly sharpie in hand

Kelsey's POV

After I finish connecting all of the moles, freckles, etc. on Harry's sleeping body I get the mustard, ketchup, Nutella, and mayo from the fridge along with a bucket of ice. I woke the rest of the band as well to help me out. The guys lathered him in condiments as Joi picked him up carrying him to the lake in the neighbor's yard. Once we got there I poured the bucket of ice down his pants and he sprung awake screaming "Yo Harold" I screamed over him he looked at me confuzzled "Paybacks a bitch!" I nodded my head to Joielle to throw him in and he landed on his back in the green water. We were all laughing hysterically while he popped up disgusted and his eye was twitching from anger. "Best payback EVER!" exclaimed a hysterical Niall 

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