Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 23

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Part 23

*A few days later*

Zayn's POV

I watched as Kelsey scurries around her room looking everywhere for something. "What is it you're looking for again?" I ask She looks in another drawer pulling out a disembodied Hello Kitty doll I look at it curiously "I got mad once" Kels says I laugh "I'm serious" "Oh" "Yeah, when I say I'll rip your head off I mean it" I laugh again "I'm not kidding" Again, I stop laughing she laughs "Yes I am" I shake my head smiling "You know my Mom used to give me a Hello Kitty doll every Christmas. It was my favorite when I was little." She smiles at the memory "That's sweet" "Yeah it was" There's a moment of silence before Kelsey sighs and forgets about her search. "Kels I-" "Kelsey!" screams Lou bursting into the room "Louis!" Ugh. Really Louis just when I was about to tell her how I feel.

Kelsey's POV

Today was great! The guys and I went shopping and I got some of the sexiest things! All bought by the boys might I add: they're too sweet to me. We had lunch together too and now I'm laying on my old swing set stargazing and thinking: something I haven't done in forever. I love being wrapped up in a blanket outside at night, it's just so, peaceful.

Zayn's POV

I can't wait any longer. I have to tell her how I feel. I found K sleeping adorably on her swing set. "Kelsey" I tried waking her up "Wake up, you fell asleep." "Mhh did I?" I smiled "Yeah" "Wasn't I just talking to you?" "No" "Hmh must've been a dream then." She dreamed about me? "Well I want to uh say something, or tell you something. It's nothing bad, umm." "Just spit it out Zayn." "I like you. Like really, really like you. I have since I first saw you." She stared at me blankly and stutters "I feel nothing..." "How could you feel nothing?!" "No Zayn I fell asleep outside and I literally have icicles forming in my nose. Therefore I feel nothing." "Oh! Here" I give her my jacket "Let's get you inside for some hot chocolate, yeah?" she smiles shivering "Sounds great"

*A few months later*

Kelsey's POV

I could sleep for weeks. It's been a lot of work but I finally did it...I finished my freshman year in college. I was very determined to finish school. More so because I might've been avoiding Zayn and I know I shouldn't be but his confession just freaked me out a little. I just don't know if I can let anyone in like that again. I haven't stopped thinking about him since either. All his great qualities, how sweet he is, how hot he is, and I know he'd never hurt me. I bite my lip thinking hard. Crap, I sigh. I think I do like him.

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