Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 16

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Part 16

Zayn's POV

Kelsey's whole predicament sucks. It really does and I want to help her, so maybe if I help make a painting with her the fans will go crazy for it? I knock on her door and hear her shout "Come in" so I turn the knob to see Kelsey looking adorable in a paint covered jumpsuit, but also looking like she hasn't slept for at least two days. I scan her room and see tons of empty energy drink cans "Kels what are you doing?" "Making art, come." She goes into a room inside her closet and I'm surprised she lets me follow as well. It looks like a tornado came in and threw everything everywhere! "You're supposedly famous are you not?" she asks me "Yeah..." "Good! I'm going to need you and the boys to sign these and get them back to me like immediately after!" she hands me printed out pictures of the lads and I "Well I'm glad you're in a better mood now. Did you save the house?" I ask as she works on a painting of some sort." "Working on it can't you tell? I figured since you all are so famous you can help me out and sign those pictures and I can sell them online to the highest bidder and then more of my paintings, I just got loads of ideas recently and I'm getting them all down and selling them and haven't slept in...Uh what's todays date?" "14th" her eyes go wide "Huh." "Kels how long have you not slept for exactly..." "3 ½ days no biggy! Now go get those to the boys I need them autographed a.s.a.p. and if you have any clothing or toys you'd want to give up that'd be amazing!" "Kelsey! You're rambling. You need sleep it's not good to not sleep! The lads' and I will sign these and put them up as well as a napkin or something we've touched your art is phenomenal looking, we'll put it online for you too, but please sleep. How much more money do you need anyways?" "Zayn I really appreciate all that but I need to keep working if I want to save my house. I've already got some of the money needed and it's a promise I made to my Mom I need to do this and you can either help me or get out of my way. I have 80,000 dollars needed still and a lot of work now please, go get the signatures." She stopped her work and gave me puppy dog eyes I sighed "Fine but on one condition" "Shoot" "I help you with a painting" "Okay now go!" I smiled leaving the house getting the lads autographs after explaining everything, we put all the work and items online and bids were skyrocketing! She might actually get the amount needed before time runs out! I change into some paint clothes and head back over to Kelsey's house I just walk in this time figuring she'd still be working and I was right. "You ready?" "Ahhh!" she screamed "Zayn! What the fuck! You can't scare me like that!" "Sorry didn't know I scared you love" she took a deep breath "Okay let's do this, what do you want to paint?" "I was thinking..." I described to her my thought of half and half as in half of the massive canvas is mine and half is hers and we'd just go from there. The end product was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. She surprisingly painted a faded profile of me and I did the same for her it looked like professionals had done it. "Don't forget to sign it" I spoke after the hours of silence "Oh right" she yawned and painted and R in the bottom right corner as I sighed my name in the bottom left. "What does R stand for?" "Reese, my Mom" she looked at the painting one last time before taking a picture of it and putting it on the internet "You know I'd hate to see this phenomenal work go..." "I know, but I need the money. I actually think this is my best work yet." She gave a sad smile "I'm going to shower and sleep you can show yourself out." she walked away and I left pulling out my phone and buying the painting we made right off the bat at 80,000 dollars. It's worth it.

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