Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 29

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Part 29

Zayn's POV

I need to show her I still care, I need to do some major recon. "We found her!" I look up to the whole gang by the computer "She's in New York..."

Kelsey's POV

-You contacted him, you'll regret that- -What are you going to do about it you're probably some 10 yr. old on her Mom's phone- -You'll see- Okay now these random texts are starting to freak me out, should I go to the police? No they're just empty threats; she or he doesn't know where I live. Deep breaths: Opening show is tonight and stress is not an option.

*After the show*

"Kelsey that was amazing!" screeched the producer "Thanks Ken!" "Why don't you go clean up and we'll go out to celebrate?" "I really need to get home, I don't think I can" "Don't be a party pooper okay? Okay see you in the bar next door in 20!" he walks away I guess I'll be going tonight after all "Hey Kelsey I hear it was your birthday a few weeks ago!" "Hey Elijah! Yeah it was" "Consider this a late birthday present. Wear it to the club tonight!" he smiles and hands me a box "Thank you, you didn't have to do this, it was weeks ago." "I know, but you just moved here so I figured I'll just get you a little something." I smile and hug him "You're the best" "I know!" he laughs and walks away I open the box to see a beautiful dress. He has some damn good taste: a blue and black skater dress. I'm so glad I wore my heeled boots today! I get the dress on and it looks perfect. I head over to the bar and the line is nonexistent. I look around for anyone from the show and see Ken in the corner. "Ken!" I shout heading towards him He screams "Kels darling that dress is magnificent! Where did you get it!" "Elijah gave it to me as a late birthday present." "Birthday?! Shots on me!" I laugh as he pulls me to the bar I down three tequila shots and I'm already buzzed "I'll have a vodka and grenadine." The bartender hands me my drink and I down it By the time I have my fifth drink and second round of shots it has to be morning. I see no one I recognize so I stumble out the door. "Miss do you need a ride home?" A really hot guy asks me "I- no." "I'll take that as a yes. I can drive you. Do you know your address?" I feel dizzy all of a sudden and I collapse "Shit" the mystery man says

*The Next Day*

I open my eyes and it's dark. "Where am I?" I ask myself "My house" I jump "Who's there?!" "Nate. You passed out last night and I brought you to my place because I didn't want to leave you on the street." "Oh, well thank you. Where are we?" "Brooklyn" "And how far are we from the bar you got me from?" "30 minutes" "Why were you at a bar that's 30 minutes from your house? There has to be one closer than that." "I usually hook up with chicks there" "Interesting" I don't trust this guy one bit I swing my legs off the side of what I assume is a bed "That was a joke you know" "What was?" "The sleeping with women, I don't do that." "No? So you're gay" "Well I do but not all the time" "Okay then Nate can you turn the lights on? The fact that I wake up in a strange bed with a strange guy who is having a conversation with me is just, strange." He laughs and flicks on a light I squint at the brightness "Did we fuck last night?" "No I wouldn't take advantage of a girl like that" Seeing him by the doorway and how amazingly hot he is I wish we fucked last night "Okay. What time is it?" "6" "When did you find me?" "About 4 am" "Weird. Usually I sleep way longer for hangovers." "Longer than two days? I would think that's the weird part." "What." "Yeah you've been asleep for two days, it's 6 pm, December 13th." "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I need to get back to that bar right now!" I rush past him outside and he's right. It's night. I am so fired, missing two shows in a row without calling! "What are you doing?" "Where's your car I need you to take me back right now!" "What's the rush?" "My job. That's the rush! I'm so fired. Fuck. Where's my phone?! Where's my bag?!" "You didn't have anything on you when I found you." "Shit. I massage my temples." "My car is this way." I run into the garage and hop in as we drive off

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