Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 32

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Part 32

Kelsey's POV

I wake up in my own bed, Nate next to me. I yawn "Morning" I scream falling off the bed "Kelsey! Are you okay?" "What the fuck! I thought you were asleep! You gave me a heart attack!" he laughs "Sorry babe" "Babe? Oh right we're dating now" I laugh as he helps me back onto the bed "What time is it?" he turns around looking at my clock "10:30 almost" "Better start packing after breakfast then. Have you booked a flight yet?" "Yes tomorrow at 6:30 pm" "We really need to start packing then!" I jump out of bed going to the kitchen, popping bread in the toaster and start assembling boxes "Kels there's no need to rush, we have plenty of time." "Nate you haven't seen my storage unit in the basement." His face fills with shock "Yeah we need to start packing" "I'll put together the boxes you start filling them and the toaster is on so don't pack that yet. Here's your first box." "Great plan!" We grab our toast after its done cooking and eat it up. For the rest of the day we continue packing; making a huge pile in the living room. My phone rings and I see the time, 9:00 pm We totally missed lunch and dinner "Hello?" I answer "Kelsey! You picked up! Listen we really need to see you. We're in New York, we really miss you." I pull the phone away from my face to see the caller ID, a random number "Who is this?" "Eleanor and Sophia, we got your new number from someone at your show." "Oh, uh hi..." "Can we please meet up somewhere and talk? We're in New York" I bit my lip looking at Nate as he continued to pack "I love you guys but..." "It's just us girls, promise." I hesitate before answering "Fine. Meet me at Unos. It's a pizza place two blocks from the theatre I worked at, I'm sure you know the one. "Yes! Okay see you there!" I hung up "Crap." "Is something wrong?" "Past people" "Oh" "Is it okay if I come back in an hour or so and help. They really want to see me." "It's not Zayn is it?" "No, you don't have to worry about him." I put my coat on and kiss Nate goodbye "You can take a break while I'm gone. Go eat something we missed lunch and dinner" I laugh and he nods as close the door on my way out and start walking

Eleanor's POV

"I hope this works, for Zayn's sake." I whisper to Sophia "Yeah, do you think it's a good idea to have the guys sitting a booth over from us?" "No, but as long as Kelsey doesn't find out we'll be good" she nods as Kelsey walks in, looking very fit might I add "Kels!" I scream getting up and hugging her with Sophia. She smiles and hugs back "Hey I've missed you two." "We've all missed you too. You look different." "Colored and cut my hair and dancing can really get you in shape." "Well you look great!" I compliment she smiles and thanks me We all sit down and the pizza we ordered arrives "Perfect! I missed lunch and dinner; I've been packing all day." "Packing?" I ask "I'm moving" "Again?" "Yeah." "So you're just up and leaving, again." Soph says disappointingly "You know why I left the first time" "Yeah but you never said goodbye, never told us where you were going, and for God sakes Kelsey you left your phone behind." "You think I wanted that?! I left my family behind. The only people who truly cared about me and the only ones I truly cared about." "Why did you leave then?!" "Well that's a dumb question now isn't it." "Why is that a dumb question?" "You really don't know?" "Know what?" she scoffs "Zayn broke up with me." "Well we know that, but that's why you left?" "I love him! He called me a whore and judged me by my past and we all know it's fucked up. I sold the house and decided to move on, something I should've done long ago." "You still love him." I pointed out tears start to stream down her face but she wipes them away quickly "I do." "Then get back together with him! He wants you Kels, he knows that he messed up." "I have a boyfriend now." I was shocked as was Sophia "But you love Zayn..." "Nate doesn't judge me by my past nor does he ask about it. I think the healthiest thing for me to do right now is to move on. I need to go." I stare at Kelsey not letting her out of the booth "Can you at least tell us where you're moving to?" "Eleanor let me out." "Not until you tell us where you're going." "Fine." She stands up in the booth and steps over the back of it onto the table next to us "Kelsey!" Zayn yells from the table a few feet away from us She stares back tears coming down her face uncontrollably and runs out the door Zayn runs after her "Zayn!" we all shout leaving cash on the tables and running out

Zayn's POV

"Kelsey I love you!" I yell at her as she runs away from me now stopping as it starts to rain "Fuck you Zayn. Fuck you." She screams getting closer to me "I love you!" she smacks me across the face, hard enough to make my head snap to the right "Bullshit!" I grab her face snogging her and not letting go as she starts thrashing her fists at me, finally she bites my lip until I let her go "What the bloody hell was that for!" "You know what the bloody hell that was for! Move on Zayn!" "I can't. I love you too much!" "If you loved me so fucking much why break my heart. Hmh?!" I was speechless "I was just hurt, I-" "Well guess what! I'm the hurt one now so fuck off and don't try looking for me again, I have a boyfriend." She looks behind me giving a long, hard, and sad stare. Then turns around running again, but this time I don't follow. I turn around to see the gang looking at me sadly

Kelsey's POV

I'm arriving at my apartment soaking wet and in a mass of tears. I start taking off my coat until Nate pops around the corner "Kels what's wrong?" "I-I'm sorry. H-he did it. I-" I hiccup he holds me tight "Shh. It's okay. Forget about it I don't even want to know what happened. It's in the past remember." I smile sniffling "You must be freezing cold, let's get you dried off. How does a warm bath sound?" I just nod and start to undress heading to the bathroom "I'll be in bed" he kisses me on the forehead and leaves I lower myself into the tub and try to relax, but my thoughts are refusing to let me. I close my eyes and try to clear my head. I put my earbuds in and let the music whisk me away Suddenly, I'm grabbed by the neck and being forced under the water, I can't breathe. I try grabbing who is doing this to me but no one seems to be there. I'm brought up for air; I open my eyes and see Nate smiling evilly I try screaming but I can barely breathe, I pass out

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