Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 9

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Part 9

Kelsey's POV

"I made it up. I made everything up. I don't have any siblings, I'm an only child! I lied about everything! I had a chance to get home and I took it okay? I didn't want to be homeless 'til I had sex enough times to come up with the money to get home!" he was silent staring blankly at me so I turned around and ran to the boys grabbing my bag from Paul and running...into a mob of screaming girls "What the hell?!" I screamed pissed Why can't I get a break! At least Zayn won't follow me in here, well hopefully he won't. Not after what I said to him it's a very good thing he was really drunk last night otherwise he's be very suspicious about my whole 'family' story. I maneuvered my way through the crazy ass crowd and finally made it to the street. 49th Avenue, okay so I need money for a cab and fast. I took a look at my clothes that I've been in for the past two days and decided to make a few changes. I rummaged around in my backpack for suitable clothes finding just what I needed: my black high waisted shorts and blue flowy tank top.I quickly changed in an alley and walked to the nearest club I entered by flashing the guard. I swear the stupid 21 years and older rule sucks; well it's time to find some horny guys.

Zayn's POV

To actually think I liked her! I don't even know her name! It was all a lie! I really didn't think I'd act like this love sick puppy, but I felt something with her, I really did. "Zayn we're going out clubbing, you coming?" "No, I think I'll just stay in tonight thanks Haz" "Okay your loss" I sighed

Harry's POV

I can't wait to find a good American fuck! It's only been about an hour or two since we landed but I have so much built up energy! I drove to the club without my wingman and saw a bunch of grinding going on, my kind of dancing!

Kelsey's POV

I'm exhausted and hurting bad from all the contact going on down South. I think if I get $200.00 more I can survive until I get home, geeze I need a high payer like right now! I searched around the bar area hoping to find an abandon drink and I did, score! I downed it. "Hey that was my drink!" a guy shouted from behind me with a British accent I turned around putting the glass down "Tough shit" I replied only now seeing that it was Harry behind me "Zoey?" "You know my sister?" I answered yet again hoping he'll fall for it "Which one are you?" "Felicia. Nice to meet you, how do you know Zoey?" "She took a plane back with us" Yes he fell for it! "Cool, hey do you have any cash on you?" "Yes, why?" "I need to get home and the cab will be a whole lot do you think you could lend me some? Zoey will pay you back, promise" "I don't think so..." "Please I'll do anything!" "Anything?" "Anything." "How much do you need?" "200" "200?!" "I live a long way from the city" "Okay" he took my hand and pulled me close to his body "But you know what I want, right?" "Sure thing hunny" I winked and our lips attack one another's hungrily He was already feeling me up under my shirt, this was getting heated fast and I didn't plan on having sex in front of everyone "Let's go to the backroom" I said in his ear breathless he nodded Once the door was closed he immediately pulled my pants down and his, us continuing to make out furiously and the rest was history. Later that night, with all of my newfound money, I traveled home having just enough for the ride; finally arriving home at 4 am. I slept in the cab too so my neck is all screwed up maybe I'll go get a massage later, probably not. I unlocked the front door seeing a mess of broken glass on the floor "Evan? Are you home? It's Kelsey" I walked cautiously over the glass coming into the kitchen seeing multiple things missing in the living room "Dad!" I screamed running around the entire house trying to find him. Finally I decide to try calling his cell, I hear ringing..."Dad?" I walk slowly towards where I hear the phone ringing, right into the dining room to see my Dad asleep on a pile of bills "Evan! You scared the crap out of me!" I walk over to him shaking his shoulder "Evan? Dad?" I lift up his body from his shoulders and see a knife in his heart and papers on the table drenched in blood I scream, passing out 

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