Happiness is Key (A Zayn Malik Love Story) Part 19

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Part 19

Zayn's POV

I'm actually really excited to go out with Kels...and other people, but the group agreed to leave a seat next to her for me! We should be meeting up at her place in a few minutes. She didn't tell us the attire so we went with casual since she's such a classy girl and a fancy restaurant seems like somewhere she would go often. Note my sarcasm. We arrive at the restaurant and it looks casual as we thought, very American as well. We eat their amazing food and have a great time and Kelsey was right we were missing out! Sitting next to her was a dessert in itself too and everything was going great until the time when we had to go. Fans were swarmed around the building like bees to a hive. Niall looked terrified and he's used to this by now! I looked at Kelsey and she just looked surprised not scared one bit! The police even showed up to clear a path for us to get out! The fans reacted as usual towards the girls; some calling them names and others just saying I love you. Kelsey seemed fine when we got home not phased one bit. "I'm going to head out guys. I have school work to do thanks for dinner though." Kelsey said hugging us all goodbye "She handled that amazingly!" screeched Louis "It's meant to be!" added Harry "Ha. Ha." I 'laughed' Walking upstairs to bed thinking about the girl of my dreams

*Next Day*

Kelsey's POV

I didn't sleep last night I was actually awake doing school work I believe I finished three lessons in one night usually taking a week per lesson and 30 lessons in all for each subject at this rate I should be done with freshman year in one and a half months! I work fast, a trait I inherited from my Dad. Anyways, I'm so excited to be done with this already and am really overtired right now so have loads of energy! But what's fueling it is my incapability to solve one stupid math problem! It's taken a lot of my time and I'm super frustrated! I changed into my work out clothes deciding I need to work out my frustration with some yoga and music.

Zayn's POV

"That looks like it hurts" commented Niall "Do you think we should tell her we're here?" asked Lou "She's so flexible" added Harry amazed "This was a bad idea we shouldn't have barged in like this!" said Liam worriedly

Kelsey's POV

I scream falling out of my bridge and landing on the floor. The guys come running up to me. I take my ear buds out "What the fuck!" "Sorry Kelsey!" I take a deep breath "No need to be sorry Niall but what the hell are ya'll doing in my house!" They were all silent "Okay since none of you have an answer I guess I can get back to my peaceful time now" "Ha! You have peaceful time?! Doesn't seem like it cause your always so mad at something or someone!" exclaims Zayn "Which is why I decided to try yoga but it doesn't fucking work!" I stand up angrily "Well you should just get a message from Zayn instead then, he's the best at them!" says Louis "I don't even want to know why you would know that" I reply pinching the bridge of my nose and breathing deeply "No really I'm so loose after he's done with me!" "Oh I bet you are Louis!" "What?" "She's making a gay joke mate" Harry points out "How? Wait? What! No! Grr!" I laugh "Well you're very flexible so whatever you're doing it must be working!" says Zayn enthusiastically "I used to dance" "Really?! Show us please!" "Ehhh no it was a long time ago Li" "Well what kind did you do?" asked Zayn "Ballet and hip hop" "Interesting combination" says Harry "Yeah. Well help yourselves to the food supply I'm going to go take a hot shower and Zayn I'll have to take Lou's suggestion up one time and get that massage from you, if you don't mind of course." "Yeah anytime just come to me whenever" he smiled "Great" I smiled walking upstairs

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