OC: Kevin Kervus

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Kevin Kervis was Drake's best friend. No one knows why the two get along, or how, they just... did.

Kevin grew up in a very rich, wealthy neighborhood. His dad was a senator, which ment he lived in Washington D.C. For the fist 13 years of his life he lived there happily. He had a dog named Shetone, who was a very classy, fancy breed Kevin couldn't remember. All was well until one day when his mom found out his dad had been having an affair with the secretary. 5 months later the divorce finished. Kevin's mom had complete custody and Kevin had to move. Since they had relatives in Perdido Beach, they would be moving there. His new name was supposed to be Kevin Gaither, since that was his mom's maiden name, but he stuck with Kervus. It just had a nice ring to it.

But since the divorce, his mom had been struggling with money. That ment they couldn't get a plane, and had to drive from Maryland to California. It would take about a 3 day drive.

During the ride over, they made several stops here and there. At gas stations and hotels, sometimes a stop just for fresh air. But during one stop, on the final day of traveling, Kevin stepped out of the car to find his mother unconscious and bloody on the pavement. He whipped around to see a tall, buff guy wearing a leather jacket. He scowled at Kevin and took him by his bleach blond hair.
"Aah!" Kevin yelped as his feet were raised off the ground.
"Hey guys," he said in his gruff, scatchy voice, "look what we have here." 2 other guys and a woman stepped out from behind the car. It looked like they had looted a bunch of valuable things like jewelry and watches.
"Huh, not from around here are ya?" A scrawny little fellow said. He looked to be the smallest of the group. Kevin, his hair still being clutched by the man, stuggled to get free.
"Just let me go! Please! I don't have anything you could want!" he whined. The only woman of the group stepped forward.
"I don't know." she purred. "Maybe you do little boy." She ran a finger on his jawline and down to his neck. Kevin didn't make a sound. He was too scared.
"Alright boys let him go." she said in her cat-like, feminine voice. Her black hair, slick with grease, danced in the warm breeze. Kevin was let go. He turned around to run, but a dude just as big as the one who had grabbed him, stood stock still, blocking his way.
"Where do you think you're goin?" he scoffed. Kevin whipped around and looked at the woman, his only vision of safety. She smiled and turned around to the buff guy. (And the one scrawny dude.)
"Listen fellas," she said, "can't ya see he's scared outta his mind?" The 3 looked at each other, and then back at her.
"Ugh. Dumb fucks. Go get what's valuble and leave him alone."
When the 2 didn't do anything, she said louder, "Well go!" the 2 instantly obeyed and started looting valuables. She turned back to Kevin.
"Why don't you scrurry along to your mom and see if she's still alive?" she said.
Kevin spun around and ran to his mom who lie still on the pavement.
"Mom, Mom!" he shouted.
"Oh no oh no no no no no!" he was freaking out. His mom was the only thing he had left.
"Mom please, don't leave me..." he trailed off, his voice choked with tears. His nose stung with the bitterness of grief.
"Alright." He heard someone say. "I think we got all we need." He heard the loud hum of motorcycles start up.
"Listen kid," he heard a voice say. "Sorry 'bout your mom. I told them to leave the car so there's that." Kevins face was a mix of bitterness and sorrow.
"Why?" he asked her. "Why her? Why me?"
The woman knelt down next to him and put and hand on his back.
"She'll live kid. Don't worry."
All of a sudden, a large dude came over and motioned for her to leave. She turned back to Kevin as she walked away with a look of worry. The man stood tall; Kevin at his feet.
"Hey kid,"
Kevin looked up to see the guy who had grabbed him by the hair.

Long story short, his mom woke up, found that about half their stuff had been stolen, and her son had been raped.

          ~Hospital of Nevada~

Kevin had found his phone and called an ambulance. They had gotten their car towed to the hospital and most of their stuff was still there. Kevin had told them about what happened, how his mom was knocked out by the thugs and how one had raped him. He got some help for that too. By the time they got out of the hospital it had been 4 days. So now they were finally back on the road, on their way to the Gaither residence.

Kevin didn't feel the same. What had happened to him was terrible. He wasn't the same person he was a week ago, when they left D.C. He used to be rich, powerful, all that good stuff. Now he felt weak, poor, and beaten. He felt drained of his masculinity. He never thought Life would take him down so quickly.

        ~A couple hours later~

"Hey sis!" Quinn's dad said as he greeted the guests by the door.
"Come in! I haven't seen you in a while!" Kevin's mom stepped inside.
"Thanks Adam. You're the best brother anyone could ask for."
"Aw sis. Since when have you been even remotely humble?"
She shot him a look, followed by a smile.
"Don't push it." she said sarcastically. Adam laughed and signaled for Kevin to come in as well. He tenitivley stepped inside and looked around. It was a nice house. Smaller then his, but nice.

13 year old Quinn watched as Kevin stepped inside. He didn't think Kevin would look like that. He expected a haughty, arrogant person with a suit and nice hair. But instead he saw a shy looking boy with wild, bleach blond hair, dark eyebrows, and an oversized zip-up hoddie. He barley looked at Quinn before trudging up the staircase. Since he had been from a very wealthy family, Quinn was surpised by the sight. He wondered why Kevin was the way he was.

Kevin used to be a charismatic, charming young man with nice hair and a girlfriend he only liked for her chest. He used to be rich and powerful. He used to have a dog that was one of his best friends.

Not anymore.

Kevin was now a shy boy who had gone through what no person should go through. He looked to be permanently shook, always shaking and scared. He wanted to spend all his time in his bedroom. And he didn't like being around people. Suits and nice haircuts were something of the past. He wasn't really on his own, but it sure felt like that.

            ~To Be Continued~

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