OC: Kevin Kervus | Finale

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It had been a year since Kevin had first seen the eyes of Drake Merwin, lacking all means of pigment, his eyes almost grey.

Though Kevin knew Drake was nothing but trouble, Drake knew the right buttons to press to make Kevin slip up and revel an essential moment of his past.

At first Drake was shocked, he could hardly believe Kevin, a boy so small and shy, could have gone through that. Drake had gone through something just as traumatizing, but he had turned out bitter and hateful.

So why didn't Kevin?

Over the course of that one year, many things happened. First, Drake had made a somewhat... connection with Kevin, realizing he had no motive to hate the poor kid, and therefor didn't. Secondly, the Fayz started. Kevin had run straight to Drake, who was standing with Caine. Caine had a girl beside him, who Kevin would soon learn the name of, Diana. He thought that was a pretty name. And so the group of teens took on the Fayz together.

And then the Fayz ended.

Drake and Caine had died. Now there were two. And instead of Sam and Astrid taking Diana into care, it was Kevin who invited Diana to stay with him.

At first it was just a friendship, but Diana grew closer to Kevin in a couple weeks than she had with Caine in the two years she'd known him. It was soon after that they graduated collage and made themselves a life together.

Kevin would never forget those grey eyes and sandy colored hair. He would never forget the menacingly languid stare and a maniacal grin plastered across the face of a boy who's name would become world famous. 

But Kevin got better. He met his father again and tied any loose ends. Diana never truly got over Caine as Kevin had gotten over Drake. But his name would remain in Kevin's mind every day. The thought would linger behind Kevin's eyes every minute.

And that's the story, the infamous tale, of how Kevin Kervus grew to be Drake's best friend. But only Kevin and Drake would know the true story. Only they knew Kevin had been a lot more than a friend to Drake.

But that story would remain hidden...

or will it?

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