Headcanon 8: Mirrors

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What if, in a different universe, Drake had made it with Caine and Diana to San Francisco de Sales Island?

What if, in a different universe, Drake had to have been alive, but not very well. What if he was having those same thoughts as Diana, and didn't care if he lived or died? Like he just gave up on life altogether?

What if, in a different universe, Drake too, had felt that giant invisible hand throw him off the boat?

And what if, after hours of being in that mansion, he saw a mirror for the first time in months.

And he didn't recognize himself.

Gone was the lean physique, replaced by hollow cheek bones and gaunt stature.

Gone were the shaggy locks of sandy colored hair, now lying down to his shoulders like roadkill.

Gone was the shark toothed grin, replaced by a shaky grimace, always sad. Always angry.

Gone was the sharp, hyper-alert, keen eyes he once ruled, replaced by a languid stare, a disclination for his surroundings.

The boy he saw in the mirror was not Drake Merwin. The boy he saw in the mirror, not in a million years, could ever be him.

And for the first time in months, he found determination, a hope to be better than this new rock-bottom Drake. It would begin with a shower and a haircut for one thing.

And a shower it was. Sweet smells. Warm water. Fresh water. No more sand and salt water smells. No more grease in his hair and dirt on his body. No more.

Next thing, He needed to get a haircut.

So he did. His hair was back to it's original length. He dropped the scissors to the floor and ran his fingers through his new hair.

His old hair.

He put on fresh clothes. Warm clothes. He claimed a room to himself and sat on the bed.

He never realized how soft a bed was until now.

And, like he used to do, he burried himself in covers, fluffy white covers, before leaving his sickening reality into a sickening dream. Healing would take time. He knew that.

And he knew it would be worth the wait.


My favorite type of Drake is Out Of Character Drake because he's just so lovable. We need more out of character Drake, you know, for the angst.

Drangst. I ship it.

I'm so sorry but this is just so

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