AU: A Flower Shop and a Tattoo Parlor Pt. 3

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Hgnnn,,, this one's a bit short but it good maybe

School is killing me


- School Bus Sam the Sammy Sam Man🎃🎃🎃

In the early morning, the sun still rising, Caine headed out to work from Diana's house. He had almost completely moved in with her, she had the majority of his things. He was rarely at his own apartment, mainly because Diana's voice was much better than his roommate Zil. He could have sworn he saw some... controversial flags in that guy's room. He didn't like thinking about it.

Dew sparkled on her lawn, cool and humid air caressed his face as he opened his car door, ignoring Diana's wave goodbye. He saw what happened last night.

Caine had pretended nothing happened when he left for work the next couple days. Time seemed to pass by peacefully, uninterrupted. He never thought Diana would be cheating on him, though it wouldn't be a reach to think so. He didn't say anything for several reasons; he didn't want to lose Diana, he needed time to process this, he wanted to see if he could handle this in a clever way, and last but not least... The boy who worked at the flower shop.

He had his eye on him for a while. Watching to see what signs could indicate if he was single or not, seeing how he would put on a fake smile for customers, it wasn't hard to tell. He would watch if anyone picked him up from work, visited, anything that could indicate a relationship.

He would have made a move a long time ago, but Diana and him were in, what he thought was, a committed relationship. Now that Diana had decided to have someone else on the side...


Quinn put down his spray bottle and looked up from his petunias as he heard the door chimes ring. A familar sound, the fluttery clinking of hollow metal.

"Hello sir, what can I get for you today?" He had picked up his clipboard of flower orders and shipments while walking over to the counter.

"Oh, ah," the stranger said, scratching the nape of his neck, "I was looking for something that has a nice meaning, I heard the color of roses can mean different things."

"Oh, yeah they do. What were you looking for?"

"Something for my boyfriend, we got in a fight and I want something to apologise with."

Quinn had been writing something down as the man spoke, but paused at the mention of a boyfriend. He resumed jotting something down and turned to him.

"I do know that homosexual love can be symbolized by a certain plant."

"What is it?"

Quinn snickered, "Grass."

The man smiled, "He probably won't like grass, he's a bit mad."

Quinn thought for a bit. "White and pink should do."

A couple minutes later, the stranger walked out of the store, pink and white roses in hand, smiling.

Quinn looked at the counter. It was a bit wet from the humidity, but only one thing laid on the stone cold marble.

A business card, it had a phone number and a heart drawn on it.

~ One Week Later ~

Caine wiped down the seats of the parlor and organized the paperwork so fast it was like he thought there was no tomorrow. Rushing past Drake to get to the door, he heard the blonde ask him a question.

"What's got you so happy?"

"No time."

And with that Caine was outside and rushing to his car, rushing to a home he hadn't yet been to. One that wasn't Diana's, that wasn't his, but belonged to someone he couldn't wait to see that night.

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