Good/Bad Idea 7: You're My New Caine

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The air was heavy with dust, cold and dry. Drywall had been clawed off to expose bare wood behind grey wallpaper. The moonlight was the only thing illuminating Drake's pale face as Sam sat up in bed.

This wasn't supposed to happen, this... relationship. This was bad and he knew he shouldn't but he felt something from it.

For the first time in a while he had rebelled against authority. In this case however, the authority was a certain blond genius.


He turned his head back to look at the sadist. The boy who had traumatized him. The boy who had saved him from a pack of flying snakes, greenies, and had yet to offer an explanation as to why.


"Can't sleep?"

Sam had tired eyes and filthy hair. He had come very close to a horrible and disturbing death. No, he was not sleeping well.


Drake patted the side of the bed, Sam's side, alluding to the fact that he could comfort Sam and help him sleep.

"Why did you save me?"

The emotionless face that Sam had started at  mere seconds ago turned angry.

"I told you I don't want to talk about it."


Drake sat back, letting his head fall onto the pillow for the second time that night.

"Lie down."

Sam did as he asked, and rested his head on the boys chest, wrapping an arm around his torso.

"Sam," he started, "Caine is the worst human I've met in my entire life. I won't go into detail. To make a long story short I barely managed to claw my way out of Coates and live in the old shack in the dessert. It had some food left, not much water."

Sam took a deep breath in, his face buried in Drake's chest, playing with the fabric of his shirt.

"Then I saw you, stumbling drunk out of the little village up at the lake. You were at an all time low, even I could see that from a hundred feet away. S-"

"My all time low was when you whipped the skin off my back."

Drake cringed at that.



"None of that."

Drake rested a hand on the boys back, dragging it up and down slowly. Sam once again fell into Drake's grip and relaxed on his warm body.

"I saw you wandering into greenie territory. I knew I couldn't survive on what was left in the shack, so I followed you. I saved you from having parasites take over your body and slowly eat you. It payed off, obviously."

"I asked why, not how."

Drake chuckled. "I need someone just as strong as Caine on my side if I want to live. I knew it was only a matter of days before he would come to find me and drag me back to Coates."

Sam felt the boys heart quicken. Drake took a deep breath.

"So you're using me for protection?" Sam raised himself to be eye level with Drake. The blond looked up at him, unafraid. He took a deep breath, silently enjoying the feeling Sam on top of him.


Sam didn't respond.

"You're my new Caine."

The blond felt his throat clutch and his sinuses sting. Hot water began to blur his vision but he continued to talk in a trembling voice.

"You're my new Caine."

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