Drevin Pt. 9 (1/2)

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Sorry for the short update- I'll write more tomorrow and have the other half out this week.

-School Bus Sam the Sammy Sam Man


Jackson Miller was in no rush to make his way to Coates Academy. He knew what went on in there. Cementing. Crazies. Sadists. Troubled kids. The worst of the worst had stayed at Coates and now he was going there willingly. He had thought about his decision long and hard. But first- he had to know what he was getting himself into.

When he asked people about it, two names frequently came up:

Drake Merwin.

Caine Soren.

He talked to those who had met them before. Dekka Talent. Sam Temple. Computer Jack. Kevin Kervus.

Ah yes, that one. Kervus.

He had described Drake in excruciating detail, including how he thinks, acts, looks, dresses, how to spot him, what he'll do if he sees you, what to do when you see him, blah blah blah.

Kevin had proven not only interesting but useful, because when he stood at the front gate of Coates Academy he was ready for when Drake confronted him. Hopefully Kevin wasn't lying.

Jackson may have mercy and kindness somewhere in his mind, but for now he was calculating, stiff, aware.

He walked to the front entrance of the dreaded hell on earth. Exposed brick and shredded wood adorned the front like warped and demented Christmas decorations.

Ironically, he knocked.

~Drake, 1st Person~

There was a knock.

I was in the middle of a sketch. Not my best but it worked for me. Gore, per usual.

There was no way for me to comprehend how someone could be knocking at the front door of what was widely known in the Fayz as a complete hell. But I still opened the eye slit to peer through.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Nice language. I'm Jackson Miller."


Jackson chuckled. Stupid idiot. Dickhead. I hate him already.

"I'm here because I'd like to negotiate some plans with whoever's in charge here."

"I am."

Fuck. Fuck. I said it too fast. Now I sound desperate. Fuck.

"Hm. Mind letting me in?"

"How do I know you're not another Sam Temple?"

But then he disappeared. Out of thin air. I backed away from the door.

I knew he had powers. I knew it! I could tell by the stupid smile-

"Thanks for letting me in."

That's when I had whipped around to see him standing there.


"Oh yes, Drake. I do have powers and yes I do know everything about you."

"Fuck you," I said, backing up. "Get away from me."

I also knew you would do that. So..."

I felt a stab on my back. Once again I turned to see a knife, handle shoved inside the drywall.

"What the-"

"Don't bother using your whip, because I know just how to handle it."

"Fuck you!" I had raised my whip to strike him but that's when the worst pain of all came. Half my whip laid on the floor, taking less than a matter of milliseconds to happen.


"You want it back?"

"F-fuck you! Fuck you!"

Then it stopped.

My whip was back.

There was no more blood on the hardwood floor.

Screams no longer echoed off the walls of the entrance hall.

But I was still breathing hard. And he was still smiling.

"Who are you?"

"I, Drake G. Merwin, am Jackson Miller. And if you not only want to know how I did that, but join my side and have your skin stay on your body, follow me."

With that he walked off.

And with that I followed. 

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