Drevin Pt. 9 (2/2)

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~Drake, 1st Person~

I was sitting in Caine's old office; it was mine now. Ever since he came back from three months of desert insanity with that coyote, Pack Leader, I've taken over. I can't say I've always enjoyed being his right hand man but now I'm really wanting that back.

Mainly because I'm in some deep shit that he could have been in instead.

So now I'm here in lieu of Caine, talking to this... Dr. Strange of the Fayz, while he's flailing around screaming "Hungry in the dark" in bed while Diana takes care of him. Like a fucking baby. Now I'm negotiating god-knows-what with this freak.

"So, Drake."


I was sitting across from him. He was sitting in my chair. Behind my desk. The desk may have been stolen from Caine, who stole it from the principal, but still. It's mine.

"I understand you and Caine are viewed like global superpowers here in the Fayz."

Yeah, sure bud. Go off. Try to make it seem like you're on my side-

"Drake you should know I'm on your side here. That interaction we had earlier?" He paused, chuckling. "That was just to let you know, I'm no Caine."

Of course you're a Caine, dumbass. Look at the way you talk, prancing around places that aren't yours, claiming people as your own little army- you're a fucking clone of Caine.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying... I know you hold at least a little contempt for Caine in your heart. Well, don't we all?"

He's right. I did hate Caine. But for some reason, a fire started burning; somewhere, I didn't know where but I rejected the fact that I hated him. I wanted to punch this stupid, time-traveling fucking-

"Why do you want to punch me, hm?"

"What?" It was delivered flatly, monotone.

"I know you do." He sat back in his- my chair. He's going to fucking pay... Any minute now. "Apparently not everyone hates Caine. Some people, Drake...

Seem to love him."

He did it. He fucking did it again. He read my damn mind again and I wasn't even thinking those words! He is going to be the fucking death of me!

"How. How! I-"

"I'll explain if you sit down."

I realized I had stood up. He had been reading my mind. But how? He has the power of time travel, apparently. Not telepathy!

Reluctantly, I sat.

"Drake." He leaned forward, clasping his hands together with his elbows on the table. "Time travel is not my greatest power. But patience."

"Don't fucking-"

"No. No, Drake because when I move time at my leisure I can wait. I'll wait for you to rant and rave because of something I said, only to turn back time and say exactly what you want to, before you've even muttered a word. I'll wait days on end to find out when and where Caine will come back, what he'll do when he does, and  how I can destroy him."

"Shut up!"

"And Drake," he raised his voice, "I already know everything that will happen in the next coming months. I know when the Fayz will end and who ends it. I know who lives, who dies, who makes it and who ends up begging for hand-outs on the streets. And let me tell you, Drake you are not one of the lucky ones."

"Stop it! Stop it shut up shut up shut up!" I was standing now. "I don't care if you can move time or whatever just shut up! What do you want from me?" My nose and cheeks were red with fury, my mouth an animal snarl.

Jackson smiled. A cruel, twisted, arched and knowing smile.

"I want you, Drake.

I had to hold myself back from jumping over that desk and pounding Jackson's face in. So I looked down, taking slow breaths as to not get too frustrated. This freak could kill me faster than time itself- it's better to not fight at this point.

So I didn't.


~Diana, 1st Person~


I looked at him. He was tall, a bit gangly, eyes a rich brown. His hair was light for someone with such dark skin. Talking about his skin... What did he have? What was it called? Ah yes... Vitiligo. I'd never seen him before but I knew what I had to do. Take on a fake persona till I know he's safe to be around-

"You don't have to be fake with me, Diana."


"Who are you?"

"Jackson Miller."

I felt as if I heard that name before. A million times, no less.

"Well, you already know my name I guess. No use introducing myself."

"You don't question much do you?"

He was acting cocky. In my eyes at least. I didn't like when guys got all 'testoserone-y' around me, so I looked him up and down, slowly. It usually makes them uncomfortable- I know it works on Caine, but Jackson didn't care.

"I know that trick."


Seems like he's actually a component person.

I stepped back, crossing my arms. I had been carrying some food, precious food, to Caine's room to keep him alive. I'm not gonna lie, its not one-hundred percent bad... I do get to see him naked. If you ignore the thrashing and screaming, it's actually kind of sexy.  "What do you want."

Jackson Miller smiled.

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