OC: Kevin Kervus

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Btw tell me if it's cutting sentences again or if it's just my account. Thanks guys! It would be a huge help.

-School Bus Sam The Sammy Sam Man 🚺 🌹

"I know."


Kevin buttoned up his starched white shirt and slipped on his red and yellow Coates tie. He almost forgot to buckle his belt before leaving for his first class.

Which apparently was a free period that the entire school shared. He left the dorm room and made his way to the center gardens of the Coates Academy lawn. As he shyly walked out of the entrance to Coates, he scanned the place. He saw the fence.

Big black fence to trap us in here, Amazing. He thought.
Two boys, one with blond hair, the other with blackish hair, were talking below a bright red tree near the outskirts of the front lawn. The latter appeared to be talking to the blond, seemingly upset with something.

Kevin decided he wouldn't be able to live at this place without someone by his side. He needed a friend. And he had to start somewhere.

He approached the couple quietly and unsurely, not trying to pose as a threat.


Drake noticed a small boy approaching them. Using his keen eyes and quick thinking, he analyzed the boy.

Bleached hair. Walks low. Shoulders down. Dark eyebrows. 5'9. Tie tied perfectly. Shy. Unsure.


"Hey..." he said, his voice trailing off as he noticed Drake looking him up and down like he was some sort of sex toy to leer at. Drake let a sly smirk escape his lips before stepping out of the way for Caine.


The boy with blackish hair stood tall with the blond one behind him. He looked down at Kevin.
"What do you want?"
"Uh-I-I j-just wanted to know e-if you were..." Kevin paused, Caine was looking at him with a sense of superiority. It made Kevin's stomach twist.
"I-I was just wondering, if-" Kevin suddenly got his wits back, along with his a hint of his old charm, which he hadn't seen in months. He blew air out his cheeks and stuck his hand out.
"Kevin. Kevin Kervus." He said as confidently as possible.
"Caine Soren. And that thing behind me is Drake Merwin." Caine said as he shook Kevin's hand and jabbed a thumb back at Drake. Something told Kevin these two would be the troubled kids he'd be friends with for the next couple months.

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