Headcanon 2: The Afterlife

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Drake looked around and saw nothing. Just grey as far as the eye could see. Like he was standing on a motionless ocean of milky grey water. A voice came from behind him.
"Well that was fast."
He whipped around and saw Caine standing there.
"Caine! How did you get here? What is this place?" Drake asked.
"Ah. Well I have no idea either but it seems to be The Afterlife. I mean, what else would it be?"
The terrifying reality of what had happened to Drake dawned upon him.
"Oh God." he muttered.
"Well there's no need to panic, Drake. At least it's not hell. And besides, you have me to spend eternity with."
"I couldn't have picked a worse person to spend it with." he replied.
"Ah. But you could have. Brianna, Sam, Edilio, Ho-"
"Okay yeah shut up."
"Well, Drake I believe we have some things to clear up."
Drake looked at Caine, surprised he hasn't had the impulse to say something mean.
"Yeah... I think you owe me an apology." he said.
"Me?" Caine was startled. "I think I'm gonna need a good explanation as to why you did the things you did!" Drake crossed his arms over his cheast.
"You threw me in a mineshaft."
"Oh... Yeah. Sorry about that. But in my defense, you came close to killing Diana."
"Oh shut up about Diana would you? I don't think we'll be seeing her here for quite a while!" The two paused; Drake saw Caine's eyes grow wet with tears.

"You're not the Caine I used to know are you?"
"I don't think sociopathic behaviour travles into The Afterlif-" his voice was choked with tears. "Sorry, I'm not used to crying." He wiped a tear from his eye. Drake actually felt sorry for him. A feeling he had never felt before: pity.
"Caine, you'll see her someday. You just have to wait." He took a step closer to Caine. "And when you do see her, it'll be the happiest moment of your life-er-Afterlife..." he said. Drake surprised himself. He had never said anything like that in his entire life. But this was The Afterlife. Maybe Caine was right when he said old behaviors didn't travel with you.
The two conversed for a couple minutes, talking about things that happened and apologies, when Drake couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Listen. Caine? I-uh...

I never thought I would ever say this, but...

I, am so-" he paused, a lump welled up in his throat.
"S-sorry." he managed to squeak out. He put his head down, trying to hide his emotions. He didn't do a very good job. He felt his eyes grow hot with tears and his sinuses sting with the bitterness of sorrow.
"I really am..." he let out a small sob, making sure to keep his head down.
"Wow. I'm watching Drake fucking Merwin cry. I never thought I'd live to see the day."
"Well," Drake sniffled as he straightened himself, "looks like you didn't." he let out a small laugh, followed by more sobbing.
"Here." Caine walked up to Drake and let him put his head on his shoulder. It wasn't awkward, Drake was a few inches shorter than him. He wrapped his arms around Caine. It was his first time sobbing in someone's arms. Through 15 years he had been starved of physical affection, or any type of affection really. Which he only now realized. He let out more pain racked sobs, letting out 15 years of built up emotion. Caine hugged Drake back, realizing sadism didn't travel into The Afterlife. Drake's body held sadism. His brain had something wrong with it. But this was Drake's soul. He didn't have a physical presence any longer. Caine felt the fabric of his sleeve grow wet. Drake really was letting out 15 years of self-pity, sadness, regret, anger, everything that wasn't happy. Once it was over, Caine and Drake continued walking. Waiting for something, someone to turn up and say hello.

For what seemed to be hundreds of years later, (which was actually 45) Drake and Caine got a visitor.
"Hey Caine." she said. She ran to Caine and sobbed in his arms, glad to look young again. She buried her head in Caine's chest. She looked up to Drake and saw tears welling up in his eyes.
"Hey Drake." she smiled.

"Hey Diana."

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