OC: Kevin Kervus

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Kevin couldn't sleep that night. He was up until 6am worrying about what people would think of him. Usually, he couldn't care less about what those losers thought. But ever since that thing happened, he hasn't been himself.

A pleasant electronic tune woke him from his hazy daydreaming.
"You wake up this early?" he moaned.
"If I wanna be down by 7, yeah." Quinn responded as he turned off his alarm. Kevin let out an annoyed groan and rolled over in his makeshift bed.
"Can't I just stay home?"
"Hey, Kevin, I'm sure you'll find people you like to hang out with. And even if you don't, I'm still here."
"What if they don't like me?"
"You shouldn't care what they think. Oh! You know what I haven't told you?"
"I have a friend, Sam. He's pretty nice. I think you two could get along."
"Sure, whatever. He probably won't like me anyway. I haven't had any sort of human interaction outside the house for 3 weeks now. I'm already fed up with people's bullshit." Quinn laughed and made his way over to his closet.
"You know, our school isn't all that bad."


Kevin sat at the coffee table, enjoying a dark espresso.
"You drink coffee?" Quinn asked.
"Yeah. You don't?"
"No, actually. It tastes nasty."
"Well yeah, but it keeps you awake." Quinn shook his head.
"I don't know how you do it man."
"Guys," Quinn's mom called, "hurry up you need to be at school in 8 minutes!"
"Almost ready!" Quinn called back. "You ready?" he asked.


Kevin walked alongside Quinn. They were on the sidewalk, on their way to Sam's house.
"Okay so I told him I was bringing you with me and that you were nice so you don't really have to try and make a good impression, but if you fe-"
"I don't care." Kevin interrupted.
"Oh-uh, okay."


Sam opened the door.
"Oh hey Quinn! And you must be Kevin."
"Yeah." Kevin said flatly. Before Sam, or Kevin for that matter, could say anything, Quinn interrupted.
"He's kinda shy." Quinn said a little too quickly. "Yep. Yeah he's shy. He is like, the shyest of the shy. I mean like look at this face. It's so shy." He blurted out. He didn't want Sam to think that Kevin was mean, which he could sometimes pass off as. So the second best option was keep Kevin's mouth shut.
"Oh, uh, okay then. Well shou-"
"We're almost late to school!" Quinn shouted awkwardly before grabbing both boys by their backpacks and forcing them off the porch of Sam's house.

They were on their way to Perdido Beach High School.

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