Devin: Pt. 4

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What had started as a tender kiss had escalated quickly. Drake's hands had gone where he wanted them to go and ended with several hickeys on Kevin's neck. They had made out on the couch for a solid ten minutes before Drake kicked Kevin out.

Drake couldn't believe that actually happened.

He didn't want to look at Kevin because whenever he did, it was a constant reminder of something he was in deep denial about but had still indulged in.

Dammit, he thought.

He couldn't let Kevin stay the night. He knew what would happen if he did. He had to stop it from happening before he even had a chance to do it. He couldn't live with himself it he did that.

He had to admit, he had desperately wanted to. But desperate he was not. He was a man of independance and he promised himself he needed absolutely no one.

He knew that was a lie.

He wished he had let Kevin stay. It was lonely in that tiny house. One bedroom. One bathroom. One dining room. One kitchen.

One everything.

It had never been two. He didn't have two parents anymore. He didn't have two estranged friends like he used to. He didn't have two houses like Diana or two parents like Caine.

It had always been one.

Kevin was the closest he could get to make his life finally have two of something, two things that are supposed to be two.

You aren't supposed to have one parent. You aren't supposed to live with only yourself. People need other people, no matter how strange or insane they are, you can't take human instinct out of a human.

But he was continually doing that to himself.

Pushing away everyone with a bad attitude and hurting people. He liked that. But not everything you like is needed.

He sat back on the couch. He wanted this to end; he liked his life at Coates. Being surrounded by negativity is what gave him strength, it's what made him Drake.

But he knew if he didn't drop the act soon, he would face consequences. People would slowly begin to hate him more and more and then... then they would break. Then they would rid him from their lives.

Maybe if he didn't stop, Kevin would too.

He couldn't be that. He couldn't be the leader and he couldn't be useful. Even though he grew up with both parents being first responders, living a quasi-military life, he still was not to be trusted.

And he knew that.


Kevin was sad Drake had kicked him out. He was hoping to at least spend the night, but that wouldn't happen. Not with someone like Drake. Drake was the kind of person that would lure you in just to kick you out and then repeat his stupid cycle of indecision and...

What was he thinking?

Drake and him were one of the same. Kevin wasn't a sadist and Drake wasn't a normal person but they were still one of the same. Broken, messed up people on opposite sides of the spectrum of strange. Both getting energy and strength from things they shouldn't want but still did. Both looking for other, just as messed up people.

This is so confusing, Kevin thought.

He had been walking to the City Hall, hoping to find Caine or at least someone. He didn't know if there were any unoccupied houses and he certainly didn't want to break into anyone's house at 9pm. He didn't even know what Caine could do for him if he even found him but he just needed someone to tell him what to do. He always did. It was cold outside. Drake's house was warm.

Drake was warm too.

He shook the thought. Maybe he could go back to Drake's house and beg to be let back in. Knowing Drake, he'd probably say no. Kevin didn't like being homeless after your potential boyfriend kicks you out of his home.

He didn't like being in the Fayz either. He didn't like that feeling he had... The one where he knew, somewhere, something, would make this calm before the storm erupt. That's what is was. A calm before the storm. Eventually the food would run out and then water and then gasoline and then...

He only now realized how messy his train of thought was. One thought lead to another and then another. Constantly getting carried away in his overactive imagination. 

Go back to Drake's house, Kevin.

His conscience was telling him to go back but he knew Drake didn't want him there. Maybe he should give it some time, some time to make Drake regret it and then he would come running back.

No, Drake never runs back. He never regrets hurting someone. But Kevin wasn't just someone was he? He was special to Drake. At least... he hoped.

City Hall. He had managed to find it. The doors loomed above him and the pillars sparkled white in the moonlight. The fake moonlight.

What do I do now? He thought.


Drake and Kevin didn't know this but both were waiting, hoping to see the other come running back. Drake wanting Kevin to need it, to need being with him. Kevin wanting Drake to prove that Kevin wasn't just someone to fuck and toss away. Both were hoping, waiting, for the other.

Kevin slept on a couch in City Hall, Caine was nowhere to be found.

Drake hadn't slept at all. He was thinking about Kevin all night.

Hoping... Waiting.

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