Headcanon 13: Cocaine

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Whenever Drake offers a drink to Caine, whether it's a coke or not, this is the interaction that goes down.

Drake: *Offering a coke to Caine solely for the pun* want some coke, Caine?

Caine, realizing that Drake just made a pun with minimal to no guilt: Run.

Cuz.... Co-Caine??? Ye I know I thought of that 2 seconds ago and if you know me in the slightest you know I will not hesitate to post it

Diana once saw this go down and now she does it too

Diana: want some coke, Caine?


and now everyone kinda knows about it

Caine hates going to lunch because it means several kids will offer him a coke

Normaly Caine would get drake to find them after school and beat them up but Drake was the one who started it so whenever someone does it Caine glares at and/or slaps Drake

So now people know that to get to Drake all they have to do is make the cocaine joke and Caine will get mad at Drake

So now whenever someone makes the cocaine pun it's because Drake was mean to them

And now Drake is suffering karma

What a dirty couple of sluts, those two.

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