Good/Bad Idea 6: While She Was Away (1/2)

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Sam and Edilio had shared a houseboat while Astrid was away for so many months. In that time many things happened.


Sam was drunk. He knew he was.

It was the third month of Astrid disappearing and he was not doing well; to avoid feeling lonely he had Edilio share his houseboat. It was nice to have someone else around.

Beer had this weird affect, when you're sober you might see someone as just a friend, but when your drunk you may think of them in a different way.

Sam was sitting in the main hull, the place with cabinets and the table and...

Edilio walked in from his bedroom.

"Sam? What are you doing up so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm getting water."

"I'm drinking myself to death."

Edilio let out a small sigh and took the remaining bottles of beer and put them in the bottom cabinet. Sam didn't try to stop him, he wasn't sure he could stand up let alone take on Edilio.

Edilio. Strong. Soft face. Nice body.

Sam didn't bother the hide the way he looked at the boy. He wasn't sure if Edilio could even tell what he was thinking.

But he did. "Sam, you need to sober up. Come on."

"I'm fine. I'm fine I'll be fine by morning," he protested. "Just lemme, mmh." He realized he had minimal to no strength as he could barely stand without Edilio's help. It wasn't that he was stumbling drunk, it was more that he hadn't slept in days.

"Let's get you to bed. You can't be passed out on the table and still lead an entire town." He wrapped Sam's arm around his shoulders and helped him to his room.

This dude can barely walk, thought Edilio.

Sam waited as the boy opened the door and got him in the room. Sam sat and flopped backwards onto the bed with a chuckle.

"Are you gonna sleep in jeans?" Asked Edilio.

"Hm. Mm no."

Edilio waited a second. "Can you even get them off yourself?"

"Mm no." Sam saw a chance. "You have to take them off for me." He laughed. He leaned back on the pillow. "I have a headache."

Edilio sighed his tired sigh and walked over, unzipping Sam's jeans.

"You could probably do this yourself." Edilio was making conversation to distract himself from noticing Sam was hard.

"You're so nice. You are the nicest. Astrid wouldn't even unzip my pants and she was my girlfriend." He laughed.


"She gone. Mm. If she liked me she would have stayed right?"

"I can't speak for her." Edilio said. Sam's jeans were off by now.

"Let me guess, you can't even get in the sheets can you?"

Sam laughed. "Hah. Nope."

"You are so helpless."

"Haahaha. Yeah. I could blow your head off right now with one million degree fire but yeah I'm helpless."

"Goodnight," said Edilio as he threw sheets over Sam and began exiting the room.

"Mmm. You're cute."


"Not even a thank you?"

Once again, he breathed a tired sigh.

"Thank you. Goodnight."


He shut the door.

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