A Story Idea

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Okay so this isn't my normal story but I really want this to be a thing and I'm working on it so just hear me out:

It's late Fayz, Caine is king. Quinn fishes. Sam is at Lake Tramonto. Quinn and his Amazing Fishing Fleet™ are out doing there usual thing. And that's when Quinn spots it. A giant, gorgeous, graceful fish tail swimming by.

And it's huge.

This could feed half the people in Perdido Beach! Quinn thinks.

"Everyone! Look!" he shouts, breaking the silence of the calm waves.

So everyone looks overboard to see that tail, that 6 foot long tail. That fish could end hunger for a least a couple days if they ration. They could fit it on the boat too. It's perfect.

So they baton down the hatches and get ready to catch this thing. They get their biggest bait ready and throw the string overboard, waiting.

They all crowd on the side of the boat, anticipating a bite, a move, anything.

This is where it gets interesting.

They get the bite. But it doesn't feel like one. It's not the usual tug they get from the mouth of a fish. It's a strategic, gentle tug, as if the fish was trying to get the bait off without being caught.

She's a smart one. Quinn thinks.
Little did he know this was no "she."

All of a sudden a sharp tug, followed by a few bubbles floating to the surface, as if the fish had screamed and air had floated to the top.

Quinn is confused now. The tugging is getting more irregular, with the string moving up and down, the occasional bubbles.

"Get the net." Quinn orders. "This is bigger than we thought." The net is thown overboard. They wait. The string tugs. Bubbles. More waiting.

And that's when it happens. The net had caught it.

"Pull!" Cigar yells.

They pull. And the fish pulls back. The fish is now desperately trying to destroy the net, it's tail nearly tipping the boat over.


All of a sudden, the tail comes up out of the water and starts swinging at the boat. Like it knows the fisherman are up there, pulling it up. It needs to stop them.

This tail is maybe 6 feet long at the least, blue and green, shimmering. It's beautiful. But it's still deadly. It's slamming it's fins on the deck. It's breaking boards of wood in half.

The boat starts to tip.

"Balance!" Quinn screams, "we're gonna tip!" Cigar is frantically getting everyone to the far side of the boat, with Quinn still at the far end, getting this fish on board.

It's tipping more.

"Brace yourselves!" Quinn screeches. "We're going over!"

The boat tips over. Everyone is underwater, trying to get to the surface. It's all they can think about. Air air air get to air!

But Quinn's thinking about something else.

He's thinking about the face he sees about a foot from his own.

He's thinking about the eyes of the face he's staring into, scared, confused, needing.

He's thinking about the fact that he's looking into the eyes of a mermaid.

But there's one strange thing to this mermaid, one thing that shocks Quinn into almost drowning.

He's looking into the cold blue eyes of Drake Merwin.

So what do you think? Is it worth a whole story? I'm thinking you're gonna want some background info on how Drake lost his memory and woke up with a mermaid tail. If you want it, please tell me! Comment! Or at least vote! Don't be shy, I love your support and I want to know if you guys want the story or nah💖

-School Bus Sam The Sammy Sam Man🚺🌹

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