Good/Bad Idea 6: While She Was Away (2/2)

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Song: Youth - Daughter

Sam awoke with a roaring headache.

"Hgnn..." Sam recalled almost immediately what had happened last night. He was drunk, Edilio was somewhere, something happened...
"Auh!" A jab of pain made him run his fingers through hair, clutching his temples. "Auh...huh..." he breathed.

"Bit of a bad hangover."

It was Edilio speaking. He stood in the doorway, one shoulder leaning on the frame, one foot through the threshold.

Sam could only try and mutter an incoherent response.

"Mmh. I'll get you some water," Edilio said as he walked to the hull.

Sam turned to lay on his side. He rested his face in the crook of his arm and relaxed into the sheets. He felt a hand on his shoulder, very gentle.


"Mmmh." Sam didn't think he could even lift up his head let alone sit up and drink water.

Edilio put the jug of lake water on the nightstand.

"Drink when you can."

He left, shutting the door behind him.

~1:38 pm~

When Sam's headache had finally stopped, he drank the majority of water Edilio had left him. The familiar stab of hunger was back, which made him crawl back into his sheets. He wanted to do anything but manage a town. Manage small problems and petty fights between children. He wanted peace. Peace and quiet for once-


It was Brianna bursting through the door, obviously excited to know why Sam had been drunk.

"W-what the... For fucks sake Brianna-"

"I heard that Taylor heard from Sinder who heard from Rodger who heard from Edilio that you were drunk last night."

Sam blinked slowly.

"And that you're half naked. Well, I didn't hear that from anyone actually I can see that right now which is not something I heard from Taylor but then again it could have been a detail that was left out after being passed around to so many people, like in a game of telephone and by the time it gets to the last person it's all fucked up and-"

"Okay! Okay, shut up." He buried his face in the crook of his arm again, wishing Brianna would leave.

"Jeez okay Mr. Grumpypants I'll leave you to lie here in misery for the rest of the day, talk to me when you get the chance cuz I'm bored as sheeeet kay bye."

The door slammed shut.



Sam woke up with bleary eyes only half open and a less intense headache. His face was smushed into his pillow.


"Are you going to get out of bed and lead the town or is that my job now?"

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah I'll get up just five more minutes mom."

"Mom?" There was a blatant snicker in Edilio's voice.

Sam's eyes opened all the way. "Uh, sorry. Thought the Fayz was a dream for a sec."

Edilio chuckled. "A true sense of euphoria is not being in the Fayz."

Sam paused. "But can I get five more minutes?"


He sat at the table in the main hull with Edilio getting him some lake water.

"Based on what the sun says, you've slept till noon."

Sam was resting his eyes on the heels of his hands. "I didn't miss much did I? I never do."

Edilio's face was soft when he came around and sat next to Sam.

"Sam, are you too hungover to remember last night?"

"Sadly no."

"Okay." A pause. "What was that?"

"Something that should be long forgotten."

Edilio tilted his head up and swallowed, a sign of impatience. "I know drunk people aren't always honest but-"

"I said it should be forgotten." The exertion of raising his voice sent a jolt of pain through his head. "Ah..." He grabbed his hair. "Sorry, I'm sorry." Part of him expected Edilio to say it was fine but the boy remained silent.

The only noise was the sound of Edilio and Sam's breathing. You could hear a pin drop if it wasn't for the small groans of metal in the boat from floating on the lake and the tiny waves lapping at the hull.


He took down one hand from his eye to look at Edilio, the other hand remained supporting his head. His one eye met Edilio's gaze, which was mere inches from his own. He hadn't noticed they were that close till now.

Edilio inhaled and said, "So we'll pretend you never said those things? We'll pretend I never helped you sleep when you were drunk and weak? It never happened?"

Sam put his hand back on his face, looking down he responded, "Yes."

Edilio's face tensed. He got up and walked to the ladder, but before he climbed up, he said one last thing to Sam.

"Next time you're drunk and can barely walk, stumble to your bed on your own and go out to the lake for your own water."

The hatch closed. Edilio's footsteps sounded on the boat until he hopped off.

Sam put down both hands, his nose stung with emotion as his eyes grew hot with tears. He started crying and covered his mouth with his hand.

Edilio would never know.

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