Drevin Pt. 2 (2/2)

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"Why did you need to know his name?"
"I don't know why you're so keen on finding out. It's not a big deal."
"It's just weird, Drake. What intrests you about him?"
He really didn't want to confess to Kevin what he had been hiding for almost a year now. He was worried he would not only freak him out, but the word would spread.

He knew what happened to people like him.

He had seen it in the media. People being bullied, physicaly and mentally. Parents disowning kids. He didn't want that to happen to his world.  Especially this world.

"If it's something about your personality," Kevin said, obviously implying what Drake was thinking of, "then I won't tell a soul."

The blonde looked up to the boy from his position on the couch, slouching. He kept his shoulders on his knees when he said, "I can't put my trust in someone... anyone." Drake paused, "not even you."

That surprised him. He was blatantly implying that Kevin was his most trusted man.

There was a long pause in which Drake lowered his head, looking at his feet, Kevin stood there, thinking. How would he get Drake to say it? How would he be so blunt without making a mistake and offending Drake to the point where he kicked Kevin out if his home?

But he had to say it.

"Are you gay?"

For a long, uncomfortable pause, there was silence. The tension grew so thick Kevin didn't dare move.

Thirty seconds passed. Kevin counted.

32... 33... 34... 35...

Drake almost stood but kept himself seated.

39... 40... 41...

The air conditioning hummed.

45... 46... 47... 48...


A moment. Kevin couldn't tell if it was a moment of silence or a moment of dread.


He wanted to say something. To explain why he asked, to make the situation he created less awkward but nothing came to mind.

So Drake slowly stood and walked over to the door. The handle creeked and the wooden door opened.

"Are you happy?" Drake asked a little more harshly than he expected. It made Kevin jump.

"Get out."

Kevin slowly turned around to face Drake.

"Get out." Drake repeated.

Kevin uncomfortably held one hand in the other. 

"Don't do this."

"Get out before I start yelling."

"Drake," Kevin pleaded, "you can't just shove it under the carpe-"

"Get out!" Drake yelled.

Kevin froze, tears swelling in his eyes. 
"This doesn't change how I view you."

More silence. Kevin sniffled.

Drake was surprised. He didn't know a person could be so sensitive. He tried to calm his voice.

"Why do you even want to stay?"

"Because we're supposed to be friends, Drake. Friends don't abandon other friends when they need them."

A small moment.

The door slowly closed.

"Just sit,"

Kevin paused,

"you- we need to talk about it."

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