Drevin Pt. 5

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Kevin slept on a couch in City Hall, Caine was nowhere to be found.

Drake hadn't slept at all. He was thinking about Kevin all night.

Hoping... Waiting.


The sun was bright the next day, and woke Kevin from a not so peaceful slumber. He had slept an hour at most.

He didn't recognise where he was at first. He wasn't at Coates, but he wasn't back home...

Shit, thought Kevin, recalling last night's events. Home. I could have crashed at Quinn's house! That would have been a lot better than a damn couch at City Hall.

Kevin was still in a sleep induced haze when he felt a hand jerk his shoulder to wake him.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" asked Caine.

Kevin rolled over to face Caine, still hardly awake.

"Drake kicked me out of the house."


"Uh-" he snapped awake, aware he wasn't filtering his words properly. "I crashed here last night."

"You were supposed to stay at Coates and hold down the fort," Caine slowly rose his voice as he spoke, "why did you come here and crash at the fucking City Hall?"

"Does it matter?"

Kevin was surprised he could raise his voice to someone like Caine. He expected the sociopath to start yelling at him, but instead he said "Get up."


Kevin was sitting in the City Hall office when Drake came in, looking exhausted yet also excited.

“It just happened,” Drake announced.

Caine sat in his over-large leather chair, the one that had formerly belonged to the mayor of Perdido Beach. It made him look too small, too young, and just to add to it he was biting his thumb nail, making it look like he was sucking his thumb. Diana was on the couch next to Kevin, lying back reading a magazine and barely paying attention. Kevin sat up when Drake entered.

As soon as Drake laid his eyes on Kevin he was flustered. Kevin was the absolute last person he wanted to see today.

“What happened?”

“The two girls you had me following. They both just took the big jump. They poofed, as that idiot Quinn says.”

Caine jumped to his feet. “Just as I predicted. Just like I said.”

Caine did not seem to be happy to have been proven right. Kevin scooted away from Diana as Caine came around from behind his desk and snatched the magazine out of Diana’s hand and threw it across the room, much to Drake's silent pleasure.

“You think maybe you could pay attention?” Caine spat.

Diana sighed and sat up slowly, brushed a piece of lint from her blouse. “Don’t get pissy with me, Caine,” she warned. “I’m the one who said we needed to start collecting birth certificates.” As if to demonstrate, she slapped Kevin's file on the table.

"Hey! I've been looking for that!"

"Yeah and guess what?" Diana snipped, "you found it. Take this, I don't need it anymore."


"Nope. I have your age, date and time of birth, what's wrong with your mind, yada yada yada."

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