He Wasn't Man Enough

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Song: He Wasn't Man Enough

Artist: Toni Braxton

"You," a  woman screamed as she walked into Y/N's office. "Why can't you find a man of your own. He's married, you know?"

Y/N's looked up from her paperwork and took her gold frames off her face. She pushed herself up as she started laughing while walking towards the woman. The woman standing in front of Y/N was Keith's new wife. The woman had problem with Y/N for no reason. Y/N couldn't help that her name still tasted sweet in Keith's mouth.

"Sis, why are you coming to my job starting unnecessary drama? He was my man first but I let him go for a reason. Focus on your relationship, please. You look real pathetic." Y/N rolled her eyes as she looked at the woman in front of her.

The tall woman leaned down to Y/N's level and looked directly in her eyes before she responded. "Stay away from him. I mean it." Venom was laced in voice as she straightened out her dress and proceeded to walk out the office.

Y/N gritted her teeth as let out a long sigh. "I don't even care about him," she whispered to herself.


"Babygirl, what a pleasure it is to hear your voice?" Keith smiled into the phone as he heard the love of his life yell at him.

"Keith Tyree Powers, you need to check your wife, seriously. She came to my job today acting a fool. What have you been telling her about me? This has been going for too long and I'm sick of it!" Y/N screamed at him. She was furious because she could have lost her job dealing with that lunatic

Keith chuckled as Y/N rambled on about his wife. " I moaned your name instead hers a couple of months ago. So she assumed that we're seeing each other again. I didn't deny it so she ran with it."

"If I was in front of you right now, I would smack the shit out of you! You need to tell her nothing is going on. I despise cheating because of you so why would I do that to her? Or does she not know that you cheated?"

Keith smacked his teeth "Man, whatever." He hung up the phone and slumped in his chair, clenching his jaw thinking about how he messed up with Y/N.

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