I Don't?

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Sorry Loves! I thought I would be updating my whole spring break but then I decided to get some hours in at work and  I would come home super tired from the kids. I hope you enjoy this because it's been sitting in my drafts for a week now. Updates will be slow because I start classes tomorrow. Please be patient with me. Leave request.  


Y/N's veil concealed her tears as she walked down the aisle

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Y/N's veil concealed her tears as she walked down the aisle. He father could hear the faint noise from his daughter. He gently rubbed her hand in hopes of calming her down but the bride to be couldn't do it. The father and daughter came to a stop. They stood before Y/N's fiancee, Bryce. Y/N's father turned towards his daughter and kissed her cheek making sure to linger. "If he's not the right one, don't do it."He stepped back and look at his daughter once more before he walked away to have seat. Bryce smiled widely at his wife as he took her hands in his. The room was silent as everyone waited for the preacher to begin the ceremony.

"We are gat...."The preacher speech was interrupted by the sounds of the church door being opened. Heads turned and nosey looks turned into looks of surprise when they noticed who stepped through the door. Y/N and Bryce turned around to see who was late and both of their reaction were extremely different from the other. Y/N started to cry harder because she knew it wasn't right for Keith to witness this. She quickly turned around before they could lock eyes. Out of habit her legs started to shake. Bryce felt it and put his hands on it to stop it. His eyes never left Keith and his jaw remained clenched because he knew there was no way he was going to marry Y/N now. Her first love and ex fiance was causing a disruption at wedding for crying out loud.

Keith walked in fixing his tie and when he looked up his face immediately flushed. Everybody looked at him waiting for his next move but before he could do it he was yanked into a seat by his friend Julian.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Julian asked, concerned. He knew that Keith was still upset when he heard the news of Y/N's engagement. He knew that Bryce wasn't the right man for Y/N. He was but their own engagement had put so much strain on their relationship that they called it quits almost two years ago.

Keith sighed. " I want her to be happy. I'm going to support her in whatever she does." He didn't even sound sure of himself and Julian could tell but he kept his mouth shut.

The wedding resumed after the interruption. The guest quickly turned around to witness the moment in front of them. The preacher glared at Keith before he continued the ceremony.


"Y/N do you take Bryce Bowman to be your lawfully wedded husband to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" Y/N felt her heart rate pick up and she began to sweat. She looked to her father who gave her sad smile. Her head turned to her mother who gave a wide grin and two thumbs up. Lastly, her eyes fell on Keith who gave her soft smile and clutch onto his necklace that had their engagement rings on them. He raised the necklace towards his lips kissing them before he mouthed to her "Say yes"

Y/N turned around and looked at the preacher who waited for her to repeat the words back to him and Bryce. Bryce grabbed her chin and made her look at him. His voice was low so only the two of them could hear. "Baby, are you okay. Do you need water? A moment to yourself? Talk to me, please." Y/N eyes made their way back to Bryce but all she could was see Keith.

"Y/N you better say yes. Do your job, Pastor Jones!" Y/N's mother yelled at the two. Murmurs begin to break the silence of the church.

"I can't proceed if she doesn't say anything." Pastor Jones spoke, throwing his hands in the air.

"Well, I'm answering for her, I d...." Her sentence was interrupted by the voice everybody wanted to hear. It was raspy and trembled because of the nervousness she felt at this moment.

"No." Y/N whispered. Gasp filled the room. Y/N shook her head and tore off her veil.

A chorus of 'whats' could be heard from the groom, the groom's family and Y/N's mother.

"I said NO!" I screamed quickly silencing the room. Her eyes met Keith's as he slowly slumped in his seat to avoid eye contact with the guest.

Her mother quickly sprung up from her seat before she was pulled back down by her husband. "Let her do this. You can't control her forever." She sat down crossing her arms across her chest and rolling her eyes. She knew this would happen if Keith attended the wedding.

"Keith?... Baby?..." Y/N voice was laced with nervousness as she continued "Do you take me, Y/N, to be your wife, your friend, your faithful partner and your love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. Say yes please." Y/N's voice was full of emotion as she approached the man she really wanted. Bryce tried to grab her hand before she made her way down the aisle but she gave him a look that he should've been prepared for before snatching her hand away. When she was finally close to Keith; she took one hand in hers and the other one grabbed at his necklace. Keith looked up at Y/N and then down at the rings.

"Baby, I...."  

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