Do What I Gotta Do [Part II]

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[I accidentally deleted this.]

Song: Do What I Gotta Do

Artist: Ralph Tresvant

Keith's body remained in the same restless position. His eyes stared at the ceiling fan watching it move around in a circle. He couldn't bring himself to leave the bed. It had been two days since Keith and Y/N had last spoke. Y/N hadn't made her way back to the house and Keith was getting concerned. Once she left he knew that this wasn't what he wanted. His heart craved hers but his mind craved his independence. He was split with a decision. The sound of the downstairs door creaking took him out of his thoughts. He jumped up and ran down the stairs to greet Y/N but was disappointed when the woman standing in front of him was her. Before he could walk back upstairs he was attacked from behind.

"You broke my best friend's heart, you son of a bi....," Tish screamed at him but was stopped when she was pushed back. Her body crashed against the wooden floor. She sat on the floor , breathing hard, eyes full of rage as she stared at the man in front of her.

Keith voice deepened as he look at Tish. "What is your problem? Don't just come into MY house, putting your hands on me."

"I wouldn't have to put my hands on you if you treated my best friend right. You are really on some bullshit." Tish was furious at Keith. It was evident on beet red face and the smug look that was permanently on her face.

"Why are you even here? Where's Y/N?" Keith rushed to the door and looked outside to see if she was out there but to his disappointment she wasn't there.

Tish smacked her teeth as she got off the floor, brushing the dirt off herself. "Why do you even care? You didn't even want her. I can't even get her to leave the room or eat. It's not good for the baby." Tish stopped her rambling as her eyes widened, realizing what she just said. Her hands went to her mouth as if that was going to take back what she said.

Keith spun around looking confused. "What?"

"What?" Tish said pretending she didn't say what she said.

Keith's whole demeanor changed as he placed his head in his hands. "She was going to have my baby"


"Am I going to have regrets about this?" Y/N asked as she twiddled with her fingers looking down at the tiled floor.

"Only if you aren't sure that this is what you want. Are you sure about this?" The doctors asked while pulling the gloves on his hands.

"This is what he would want." Y/N whispered as the medication slowly started to put her into a deep sleep.

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