Angel Of Mine [Part II]

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['Angel Of Mine' is now its own separate book]

Two pairs of eyes looked at each. Their movement mimicking the other as they followed each other's line of eyesight. Silence seem to suffocate the two individuals because neither of them said a word. Kendrick slowly lifted up from the stairs and walked to the figure in front of him. His eyes broke the intense stare as they fell upon the slippers on his feet. He watched them move one foot in front of the other until they mirrored the ghostly ones in front of him. His head slowly rose to meet with the eyes of his friend, his hero, his father. The image of his father became blurry as tears cascaded down his damp cheeks. He rapidly blinked, trying to make sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him and every time he opened them he would be surprised to find that his father still stood in front of him. His shaky hand reached out and touched his father's face. It felt so real. His heart raced as his mind and emotions replayed the memories he had as a child.

"Daddy, the kids at school don't believe that your Superman." a 6 year old Kendrick pouted with his arms crossed.

A faint chuckled escaped Y/N's lips as she pulled her coffee mug close to her lip to take a sip. Keith pushed off the counter and walked to Kendrick picking him up and tickling him all over. Giggles bounced off the walls as Kendrick's frown turned into a smile.

"There's that smile I'm looking for. I guess we're going to have to show them huh, KP?" The tickling halted as Keith waited for a response from his son. The little boy cheered loudly in Keith's ear before jumping out of his arms and running up the stairs to get ready for school.

Y/N's eyebrow rose as she looked at husband. "Keith...?"

He mimicked her expression slowly walking towards her and kneeling down. He kissed her lips before asking "Honey, where's my super suit?"

Y/N rolled her eyes before playfully punching him in the chest. She pecked his lips between each word. "Why do you need to know?"


Keith and Kendrick walked hand in hand down the hallway smiling and laughing. Their footsteps were in unison as they made their way to his classroom. They both came to halt, Keith knelt down to Kendrick's level. "I want you to go in first and tell everyone that Superman is here."  Kendrick eyes widen and lit up. His little feet ran into the classroom and screamed at the top of his lungs. "SUPERMAN IS HERE!"

Keith barged through the door unzipping his trench coat and ripping open his dress shirt. Underneath the shirt stood the red and yellow symbol. His hands reached behind his shirt and pulled out his cape. The small children gasped in shocked. A small crowd formed around him as they screamed and asked million of questions. Keith knelt down and answered all the questions. He picked up the kids twirling them around to show off his 'super strength'. Kendrick watched in amazement at his dad. He ran towards him hugging on his leg. Keith looked down and winked at him before scooping him in his arms, kissing him all over his face. Kendrick pulled his dad's ear towards him and whispered. "I love you, Superman."

"I love you too, little man."

"...Superman," Kendrick whispered as he looked as his father. His hands found their way to Keith's waist. His head rested on his shoulder. There was a contrast between Kendrick's warm body and Keith's cold one but that didn't matter. As soon as Keith reciprocated the action, Kendrick felt his heart warm up. The weight that had been pushing down on him had been lifted. The faint scent of that familiar cologne gave him a sense  of comfort that he had been missing for some time now. Keith's shoulder dampened while he watched his son become a 6 year old boy again. He rocked them back and forth as he repeatedly kissed him on the forehead.


Kendrick barely recognized the woman in front of him. Her hair sat in a sloppy bun on the top of her head. The bags  underneath her eyes could carry a family of four's vacation clothes and her fingernails were nubs due to the fact that she constantly bit them. Her happy demeanor was lost. Her eyes were empty.

"Ma, talk to me, please?" Kendrick pleaded as he tried to grab at his mother hands. She quickly snatched them back and placed them in her lap. She stared at the white wall until Keith walked through it. Her eyes filled with rage as she rose up from her seat. Her hand knocked over the table causing Kendrick to fall out of his seat. His eyes followed the direction of her rage.

"FUCK YOU, KEITH! YOU GOT A LOT OF NERVE SHOWING YOUR FUCKING FACE. THEY THINK I'M CRAZY...I'm not... I'm not crazy."  Her hands slowly came to a stop before she blankly stared at the wall. Her dark skin turned pale as she dropped to the floor. Kendrick rushed over to her placing her head in her lap, checking her pulse. It was faint but he could feel it. The guards pushed Kendrick off his mother and dragged her out the room. He felt the stares of the other visitors but he could only concentrate on the man in front of him. His jaw clenched. He shook his head before storming out of the room.

Keith watched as his family fell apart in front of his eyes. He sighed before turning around and disappearing into thin air.

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