The Weekend

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A/N: This imagine would've came sooner but my step dad has been hogging my laptop for the last few days but anyways a short and semi trifling imagine. Because of my brother, this song is stuck in my head so enjoy loves!

The red and orange in the sky mixed together to create a darkened sky due to the time ticking away. Thursday slowly crept into Friday, the numbers on the clock changing from 11:59 to 12:00 am. The red from the clock illuminated on her face while she waited for the familiar sound of knocking on her door to signal the weekend was here. Her eyes shifted to the door and her ears perked up when the signature knock echo through the small apartment space. Her silk robe hugged on her as she swayed her hips towards the door. The silhouette of her body walking pass the mirror caused her to stop and examine her stature to make sure her appearance was perfect. A strand of hair dangled over her eye giving her a sultry look and her pierced nipples gleam through the thin material. The knocking startled her once more as she proceeded towards the door. Her hands wrapped around the the door knob roughly swinging it open. A hand roughly grabbed her neck and softly kicked the door back. His dark eyes glared at her and smirked when he heard the sound of her breath hitching. His expensive cologne invaded her nostrils due to the closeness of his presence. He leaned down towards her lips roughly explore every part of her mouth as if it was foreign but truth be told he knew it all too well since he always kissed her at the same time on the same day after doing the same thing. While gripping the skin of the beauty in front of him with one hand, his other traveled down to the fabric of the skimpy silk robe letting it fall to the ground. His hand was like a magnet that gravitated towards her curves, caressing every dip. The 'couple' stood in silence having conversation through their kiss before Keith released his hands from around her neck and broke the quietness of the room.

"Hey." Was all he could get out due to the fact that his breath hadn't caught up with his brain. Her response mimicked his breathless 'hey' but hers was for a different reason. The kiss had her feeling butterflies in her stomach as if his presence was the missing puzzle piece in her love life. Her teeth pushed into her bottom lip as she stood there paralyzed staring at the man in front of her. His caramel skin had glisten on it from the drizzle from outside, his hat created a shadow to cover his freckles but it didn't hide his smile that was being painted across his face at the moment. His hand wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the ground and over his shoulder to start them on the events that would take place for the rest of the night.


The feeling of someone watching him caused his eyes to open and squint at the sunlight coming from the bay window. Y/N stood there in one of his old football tees that was just laying around. The tee  hung off her shoulder not bothering to accentuate her curves. Keith didn't care because in his mind she looked good in his clothes or nothing at all.

"Why you just staring at me?" Keith inquired. He often found her stealing glances every time they were together. She would stay up after him just to caress over his freckles and watch him sleep through the night; the sound of his snoring eventually putting her to sleep. The look this time wasn't of admiration but of sadness. She threw his phone onto his lap and walked out the room. The phone continued to ring but he couldn't stop looking at Y/N as she walked out the room. With the feeling of him staring at her , she turned around and spoke. It was inaudible to anyone listening but Keith already knew from the movement of her lips that she was saying 'Answer her'.

Keith finger slide over the declined button knowing that if he answered it would end in his girlfriend asking about his whereabouts. His feet landed on the plush rug and proceeded to follow the sound of Beyonce's voice.  He watched as Y/N stood over the sink, stressing herself out. Was this really worth was question that swirled in her head a lot lately.


"Why are you with me? What is it about me that keeps you coming back when you know you're  happy with Riley. I saw the ring too." Her eyes remained on the sink, refusing to look anywhere else. She chuckled to herself for letting this situation get to her.

"I'm nothing but a side chick, something to do on the weekend so I know the ring isn't for me." Tears started to blur her vision; remembering all the gifts, laugh and I love you's. It was all some type of sick game to get something out of her and the sad part is she let him have it.

"You're right, the ring isn't for you but you're not just some side chick. You are my best friend. When I'm with you, I feel like a whole new person. I have experienced so many new things all because of you. . I would be a fool to say you're just some side chick. I love you, I'm in love with you." His words seemed to flow out at a rapid place because he knew that if the words didn't make her fall back in love then he would be watching her walk out his life.

Y/N's laugh got louder as if what he was saying was a joke. Her heart felt heavy when he spoke those words to her. "You always putting that bitch onto the stuff I taught you. Taking her to the places I showed you. I supposedly  changed you but here you are sitting in my face telling me I'm not the girl you want to marry." If she even looked at him for a mere second then she would have known that her fist would have collided with his face. Her emotions were all over the place but she knew for certain that she was tired of being played.

His tongue seemed to stutter on what he was going to say next. His mind couldn't come up with a response that would satisfy the girl. He walked close to her but she held her hand up to signal him to stop.When she looked up at him, she felt an abundance of emotions and just cried into his chest. Her words was muffled but it was clear enough for the man's heart to drop at the sound of it. He broke away from her and grabbed his things, walking away from the apartment. He was physically gone but she could still feel his hands and lips all over her body. The draft in the room caused the scent of cologne to linger throughout the place leaving the distraught woman in her own dark cloud.
Her heels echoed against the sidewalk while she walked the distance from her house to restaurant down the street. When she arrived she was greeted by the rush of people trying to get their lunch before their break ended. She quietly sat in the corner of the restaurant the menu cover her face but was low enough that she could see the couple a few tables over. They laughed and whispered to each other, completely oblivious to the fact that she was there watching their every move. Her teeth gritted together while she watched her fairy tale play out in her face. The woman at the other table had got up to use the restroom. The man nervously sat there toying in his pocket scrolling  down her instagram stopping when he saw the brown eyes he loved so much. His finger glided over to messages and let himself aimlessly type I miss you. Call me later so we can talk. I love you. The blue message sent as soon the woman arrived at her seat. Her eyes were distracted by something which gave the man enough time to get down on his knee. When she turned back around, she seemed surprised to find her boyfriend of 2 years on one knee with a large diamond ring.

"Riley Shep-..."

"I miss you. Call me later so we can talk. I love you. Does this sound like something you just sent to me two minutes ago? Riley, I'm sorry but your man is my man. Me and him are together every weekend so when you kiss him after he comes back from his so called  'business trips' you're tasting my pussy."

Keith's face lost all its color when he heard that voice. A voice that would make his heart race from the love he felt for her but right now it raced for the simple fact that he was caught. The weekend was finally over.

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