Nothing Even Matters

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A/N: I put on some 90's R&B and forced myself to write this imagine because BeautifulMelodyxx requested this a month ago and plus she always shows mad so here you go love. Enjoy! 💕

Song: Nothing Even Matters

Artist: Lauryn Hill

Y/N shuffled through the messy room trying to find a place to sit. The best option seemed to be to throw the clothes on the floor. Her body fell backwards on the bed letting the coolness of the sheets lower the temperature of her hot body. Her eyes were closed for a mere second before the smell of strong cologne caused her nose to scrunch up. The disgust on her face turned into smiles and giggles as she felt lips kiss the nape of her neck. Her eyes opened to reveal the brown eyes of her freckled face boyfriend. His body fell on top of hers wrapping his hands around her waist and resting his head on her breast. She softly smile while running her fingers through his hair. The room remained silent. The both of them listening to each other breathe.

"Did you send in all your college applications?" Y/N inquired. Although Keith was older, Y/N always made sure he was doing what he was supposed. It was like he had a second mother.

"Yeah. I already told you I got accepted to John Hopkins and Howard." Keith grazed up at his girlfriend admiring her concern. "... but I also got accepted somewhere else." The way he avoided eye contact and nibbled at his lip indicated that what he was going to tell her was going to be something to her dissatisfaction.

The arch in Y/N's eyebrow let him know to continue on with his statement. Keith seemed to debate in his mind whether telling her was worth the argument. With a sigh, he sat up and looked around the cluttered room before his eyes fell back on her. "I signed up for the army..."

Silence feel in the room as Y/N pondered on what he say. Flashes on her mother being comforted by the commanding officers on the day they handed her a folded American flag replayed in her head. The fire in her eyes gave Keith the answer her words could not say.

She sprung off the bed and walked away from Keith. He watched her move around the room, shuffling through her stuff. The sound of metal clanking together made Keith squint his eyes. The silver jewelry swung back and forth in her hands as she walked towards him. Her eyes stayed stuck on the jewelry. She stood in between Keith's legs - rubbing the two dog tags together before breaking the silence.

"These were my brothers." Her voice was faint, almost a whisper. The memory of having a brother always made her breath get caught in throat.

The news of her having a brother bought shock to Keith. For the 2 years they have been dating, this was the first time she mentioned him. "I didn't know you had a brother."

The indentation in her lip deepen from her teeth and from her mind digging up a buried memory. She tried to prevent herself crying but the swolleness in heart cause her to let a lone tear slide down her cheek. Keith's slightly rough hands captured the tears before it could stain her face.

"We don't like to speak about it. It's hard," Y/N stared at her baby blue walls getting lost in another world.

Keith caress her hands, running his finger on the promise ring he gave her. The action caused Y/N to look down at Keith and softly smile.

His lips pressed against each of her fingers before stopping at her pinky finger. His larger pinky wrapped around her smaller one. "I promise to come home."

YN's smile immediately vanished. She heard those words before and that didn't give her reassurance but rather emptiness. Those were her brother's last words.


Distance seemed to wedge itself between Y/N and Keith. Arguments were the only way they seemed to communicate to each other. They ended their nights with their hands in each other's face- screaming at each other. One trying to out talk the other one but nobody really listening to what is being said. Keith wanted Y/N to support his decision and Y/N wanted him to respect hers but it was no use. The distance cause them to turn their backs on each and walk away.

Y/N walked down the hallways trying to navigate through the crowd of people to get to her locker. In her peripheral  view, she saw the infamous tall stature of the caramel boy leaning against her locker. When she approached he shuffled back to give her space. Her mind blanked out the presence of the boy as she rummaged through the papers in her locker looking for her homework. The sound of his voice caused her to stop her movement. Her body froze from the sound she hadn't heard in 3 months.

"I just wanted you to be the first to know about my departure next Saturday. I'll be in  Virginia for training." Keith spoke,  hoping she would come Saturday to see him off. The only thing he got in return was the sound of her locker door closing and a faint 'mhm' leave her lips as she walked to her next class. Keith's eyes follow her movement down the hallway wishing they were back in the company of each other.


All Keith saw was black as he sat with his eyes closed. His hands constantly rubbed against the ironed camouflage pants covering his legs. His brown eyes traveled to the black screen of his iPhone. The screen would illuminate every few seconds with text messages from family members sending their best wishes but those didn't matter to him. He wanted for a certain combination of letters and emojis to pop on the screen but nothing changed. The clock on the dashboard of the car stuck 1:56 PM indicating that his departure was creeping up on him. His feet slowly touched the ground. He inhaled the air and his surroundings one more time before he walked to the entrance of the airport.


Keith sat with the rest of the recruitment. They sat back and converse among each other while Keith's removed himself from the conversation, his mind wandering back to Y/N. The brightness of her smile, her goofy laugh, her little shimmey she did when she was happy all made him smile and chuckle to himself. All her catchphrases swirled in his head making him shake it. His smile turned into a frown when he realize that he wasn't the one providing her a reason to do those things anymore. His feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they traveled through the revolving doors of the airport. He didn't bother to turn back.

Laughter and music was heard from down the block. The fire made the backyard a little hotter as Y/N's dad masterfully flipped burgers. The song currently playing slowly faded out and the next song that came on caused Y/N's dad to quickly close the grill and grab the closes woman next to him which happen to be his daughter. Y/N genuinely smiled for the first time in months. Her dress blew in the wind moving with movement of  her hips. The sound of her younger sister screaming a forbidden  name cause her to let go of her father's hands and turn around. Keith nervously waved at her. The look on her face made it evident that she upset and confused at his presence. Their feet met each other halfway. Y/N's eyes diverted his gaze and Keith scratched the back of his not knowing what should spill out his mouth.

"Keith I-..."

"Howard 2020?" Keith spit out the first thing that came to mind interrupting Y/N's apologize. Y/N looked up at Keith strangely. Her eyebrow arched in confusion as she tried to piece together what he was talking about.


"Four years from now. Me and you are graduating from Howard together. That's what I want. You are what I want. Without your love and support nothing even matter."

Y/N rolled her eyes at her the tail end of his statement. " Referencing my favorite artist isn't going to let you off the hook."

Keith smiled down at her kissing her letting words slip in between pecks. "I missed ya slick ass mouth." 


Eh... not my best 🙃. If you haven't started reading 'Angel of Mine' go to my page and check it out.

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