Do What I Gotta Do [Finale]

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A/N: This is my last imagine before I end this book [There's two parts]. Thank you all for making this book such a success and thank you to ShayleeLuhh for PMing me this great end to this short story. It will be a long imagine so I hope everyone enjoys and make sure you guys read Part I and II so you know what's going on. Till next time loves!
-ash 💕

[Part I of the Finale]

The air in the room seem to escape her lungs. Her arms remained paralyzed while she tried to reach for the instruments in front of her, inching closer to her entrance of motherhood. The cold metal made her body shiver from contact. The coldness caused her mind to reminisce about the snow but the memory quickly faded when she envisioned the scene that was happening in front of her. The snow faded to black and the temperature in her body rose. She wanted to run and break away but the tightness between her legs caused her to scream out. The piercing sound made the doctors release the tools on his callous hands. The smoothness of the instrument contrasted with  his slippery hands as his nervousness made him grip the scalpel tighter.

The grip of the scalpel didn't change the reaction of the woman in front of them. The familiar tune rang out in the room alerting the nurses that the procedures wasn't going like it was supposed to be. The woman's body began to fight back . Her defense was up and the pace of her heart was similar to that of a warrior. The thin gown that covered her opened body was saturated with fear. It clamped to her body like it was afraid to let go. Once it left her body, the process was over and she couldn't go back to her pre existing state. It held together the soul of her former self and the decision she was going through with it.

Her brown orbs shot opened parading around the room. She wanted the man's eyes to look at her but he continued to conflict pain. His hands had stopped touching her but his words picked and probed at her. Everything will be okay. You're in good hands. It's the right decision for you, I promise. He felt like it was his right to inflict this pain and it wasn't right.


The monitor screamed into the room. The noises were bouncing off the walls. The noise finally made it's target and shot into the man's ear. His eyes focused on the woman's body. Her body jerked around, arms flailing around almost pleading for him to stop. Her searched her eyes repeatedly looking for something but all he could find were bags that held pain to an empty place.

Her mouth reacted before her mind could remind her where she was. The guilt had crept up her throat and decorate the dingy white sheets seeping through the porous fabric, sticking to her shaking legs. Particles of the medication that was taken hours before laid floating in the mess. The feeling that was immersed in the pit of her stomach let her know that effects of the medication had worn off. The inside of her body felt like someone had lit a fire to her skin. She felt the pressure against her lower region and found her hand cupping it pure agony. Her whimpers were blocked out by the noise of the late night shift. Doctors and patients moved in and out of doors tending to everybody else but her.

She held onto the railings of the bed to find her balance. Her balance didn't remain long due to her legs becoming a canvass and the red hue trickling down her leg, splashing against the white tile. The act was a symbol of her bad decision tainting the purity and innocence of birth in the maternity ward of the hospital. The volume of her voice wouldn't turn up any louder as she shouted into the bustle of noise outside her room.

A nurse's, flipping through the messy handwriting of the doctors', ears perked up at the sound of the screams and rushed into the room. Holding her while she cried into his shoulder. His hand reached out to find the button to alert help because he knew there was no way he could handle the damage on his own.


The monitor's steady beeping sped up as the woman woke up from her deep trance. The only thing she could see was the silhouette of a man in front of her. All she could make out was his broad shoulder and the angle of his head indicated that he was distracted by the piece of paper in front of him. Her eyes burned into his side causing him lookup from the words in front of him.

"I..," the man tried to find the right words to say but it was evident on her face that she wasn't in the mood to talk. Her face held a scowl look as prisoner. She didn't mean to look that way but she was tired from her long day and the sound of the man's voice seemed to irritate her. He took note of her behavior before he quickly got up and left the room without another word spoken.

The events before she blacked out had revisited her and she sat contemplating whether or not she could go through with anymore pain. Her body was scared and if she was smart enough she would realized that her body was trying to tell her something; she shouldn't go through with it.


Her eyes scanned through the crowd of people in front of her. Nobody seemed to pay attention the woman in a black hoodie and Yankees cap casting over her eyes. It was almost as if she had become camouflage against the white walls. Her hands gripped the cap harder trying to hide her face from the mistake she was making. It felt like everybody knew what she was trying to do and they were judging her but the truth was they didn't care nor did they know.

The sun hugged her face once she escaped the smell of disinfectant and the sounds of happiness and sorrow. She felt her shoulders relax and her feet push against the pavement in the direction of her vehicle. The vibrations from her back pocket caused her to stop her frantic breakdown and look at the illuminated phone. Her phone lit up with message from the person who caused her so much distress at the moment. Where are you?Please answer the phone! And Don't do this! Came in within milliseconds of each other, blinking like her phone was taking shutter shots in camera mode. She could barely get through the messages before the phone shattered against the ground. It continued to clatter against the cement but she chose to walk away. This chapter in her life was done and she knew that as soon as she closed the car door and sped off in the distance, letting the promise ring fly out the window and become a distant memory of the person she once was.

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