Do What I Gotta Do [Finale]

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A/N: Once again this is my last imagine before I end this book. Thank you all for making this book such a success and thank you to ShayleeLuhh for PMing me this great end to this short story. It will be a long imagine so I hope everyone enjoys. Till next time loves! Part III next.
-ash 💕

[Part II of the Finale]

3 years later

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Isaiah. Happy birthday to you!" Red lipstick stained the young boy's face but he didn't seem to care due to the sugary delight in front of him that had him distracted for the time being. A flashed captured him mesmerized by the mountain of frosting covering his cupcake and the mother's staring at him in a daze. Every time she looked at him she couldn't help but think back to that night when she almost lost him. When the doctor probed at her skin taking and desensitizing her from reality. The memory created a sickness in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't seem to let go of.

"Baby, smile for me," The tall dark skin man spoke in a low husky voice. His passion was photography and every single memory him and his girlfriend shared was captured on camera. He found her beauty breathtaking without her even making an attempt to look her best.

The camera flashed some more of the mother/son duo and he watched and smile. They never really talked about the relationship with the man she conceived Isaiah with but the way she she became paralyzed when she would see the scar on her lower abdomen or when she would hold Isaiah just a little too long or too tight after picking him up from daycare was all the indication the man needed to know.


"Babe. have you seen my red bottoms? I have to leave in 20 minutes." The petite woman echoed through the house. The only thing she got in return was silence. That's the only thing she seemed to get these days. The boisterous man had turned timid. His bright brown eyes became dull and the hair on his face could use a razor. His odor gave the sheets a funky smells no matter how many times it had been doused in laundry detergent. After typing the familiar number over 1200 every day for the last two years and getting no response had made him feel the sadness she felt the day he told her he couldn't do this anymore. His heart ached for her and his head shook at the chance to hold his son/daughter but he knew that he wouldn't get a chance to feel him/her or look into his eyes because he/she was gone. His mind couldn't wrap around the fact that he let those words slip from his lips so long ago. He wanted to find a way to reserve the times to tell her he loves her and be able to inhale her sweet perfume that always stay in all her clothing. The scent of vanilla was now something he tried to stay away but it bought him closure to a woman who vanished.

"Kei... baby, open the blinds and get up." Keith just stared off into space, his mind wandering off into another dimension where those words that ended everything were never said and his head is resting on her chest that acted like his pillow. His mind digressed so deep from reality that she showed up right in front of him. She walked closer to him smiling, a small shadow following in her trail. He held Keith's deep brown eyes and freckles but everything from the dimple in his cheek to the curve in his smile was from Y/N/ It made his heart speed.

"We had a boy?" His eyes following the jittery movement of the boy. His body leaned down and wrapped the boy in his arms. The scent of cocoa butter invaded his nostrils reminding him of the good night kiss he would receive from the bearer of his child right before he closed his eyes and remained in a abyss for several hours. A smile painted on his lips but the weight of the boy slowly began to get lighter. His eyes opened and he could see the boy's body slowly disappearing. The woman slowly walked backwards, her hair and body perishing into thin air.

"Keith, we're having a girl, remember? I know this pregnancy is hard on you and if you're not ready please let me know. There's alternatives to thi-..."

The girl's body shook from the drop of Keith's voice when it boomed "No!" The skin on his knuckles turning white from his nails digging into the palms of his hands. His teeth grabbed at his bottom lips as he tried to force himself not to cry. His heart beat against his chest trying to free itself from this sadden place.

"I'm sorry, it's just-...,"

"No, I don't know how you feel right now but I could only imagine how much it hurts. I'm going to work, I'll see you later." Her face gave him a gentle smile but her eyes showed everything he wished he didn't caused ━ sadness and jealousy.


Her backside stayed glue to the man as she moved to the beat of Maxwell's 'Fortunate'. This song was engraved into their mind and soul as it was a reminder of the first time they said "I love you"

"I'm fortunate to have you girl, I'm so glad you're in my world, Just as sure as the sky is blue, I bless the day that I found you." The man nibble at her ear slowly turning her around, gazing into her dark brown eyes. The gloss staining his lips from the kiss they share earlier. Her finger gently wiping away the residue from his lips. They stood there rocking back and forth, blocking out the world. With a snap of a finger the lights dimmed and three men dressed up, holding white lilies, walked in. The presence of others caused the woman to slowly turn around.

A picture of Y/N and Malachi became the backdrop against the white wall. The monitor bought back memories from their first date back in February 2015 to tonight where they had escaped the world they lived in to be in the presence of themselves. She slowly backed up from the screen. The tears ruining her makeup, leaving streaks running through her foundation.

"Mally, what's thi...," Her heel backed into his foot before she slowly turned around and looked at him on one knee.

"I'm not asking you for your hand in marriage just yet because I know your heart has a lot more healing to do but I want to make a promise to you and Isaiah that I would never leave you or do anything to hurt either of you. I love you baby." He stood up, kissing her on her lips, sliding the 24k diamond ring onto her finger, the band holding Isaiah's birthstone. Everything was finally falling into place or so they thought.

if you guys are confused or have questions about the imagine because I know my writing can be difficult to follow, just pm me.

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