Once, Twice, Three Times

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A/N: Requested by Purple_Queen_2003 . I changed it a little bit but it's still the general concept. Enjoy love!

Song: Once, Twice, Three Times

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Song: Once, Twice, Three Times

Artist: Howard Hewett

Keith's hand rested on Y/N's hips as they danced to the soft music in the background. His eyes kept constantly looking down to avoid stepping on Y/N's freshly manicured toes. Y/N's head rested on his chest as they swayed back and forth. No words were spoken. They were in their own little space until a hand gripped Keith's shoulder. The touch scared him. His shoulders jerked and his wingtip shoes stepped on Y/N's foot. She quickly grabbed her foot to subdue the pain but with all her weight being on one leg, her butt end up connecting with the wooden floor.

"Keith, I swear you have two left feet." Y/N said as she dusted off her dress and stood up. She finished straightening her dress and when she looked up her heart dropped. Her best friend, Keith, was flirting with Ashley. She had fair skin and bright blues eyes. If you looked close enough it felt like you were swimming in them. Her white smile shined brightly as she laughed at Keith's corny jokes and playfully swatted at his chest. Every time the name 'Ashley' was heard or spoken, Keith ears would perk up or his face would turn red. They had been talking for a couple weeks and it was evident in both of their actions that they were falling pretty hard for each other. Y/N looked at the scene in front of her imagining that someday it would be her but she knew deep down in her heart that would never be her. She put on a fake smile while approaching the couple.

"Hey Ashley." Y/N slightly waved.

Ashley's attention momentarily turned away from Keith as she looked at Y/N. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder before she embraced Y/N in a hug. Y/N stood there in the awkward stance looking at Keith confused. Keith chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm hugger. You're Y/N, right? Love the dress. Come on give me a twirl!" Ashley cheered as she forcefully twirled her around. Y/N felt highly uncomfortable. She felt eyes wandering below her waist causing her to quickly jerk her hand from Ashley.

Y/N awkwardly stood there as the couple looked at her. "Me and Ash-....,"

"Uh I'm going to leave you guys alone. Have fun. Tyree, if you need me I'll be with Trey," Y/N smiled sadly.

"But I thought you said you weren'-...," Keith was interrupted by Y/N.

"I changed my mind." She quickly turned around and walked to her group of friends.


Time seemed to move fast and the distance between Keith and Y/N seem to grow bigger. Keith didn't seem to notice but Y/N on the other hand did. She longed to be by Keith's side but he was occupied with his new girlfriend. She tried to distract herself with Trey but it wasn't the same.

She felt hands wrap around her waist and lips peck on her neck. She rolled her eyes before turning around and greeting Trey with a kiss on the lips. His hands traveled to her ass as he gripped it firmly in his hands. His tongue magically found his way into her mouth as they stood there making out in hallway. The sound of someone clearing their throat broke the couple from their heated session. Keith's face was red and his jaw was clenched while he watched Y/N wipe the lipstick off of Trey's lips. She was slightly embarrassed. She didn't want Keith to see that.

Trey noticed and smirked at Keith's reaction. His arms snaked around Y/N's waist and he rested his chin on Y/N's shoulder. He waited for Keith to say something but it was evident that Keith was still bothered by their actions.

"Hey, Y/N. Uh... my mom misses you. She wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner with us tonight. She's making your favorite just to persuade you to come over."

"I was going to study with Trey but your mom's mac and cheese is too good to turn down. Bae, can I take a raincheck please?" Y/N batted her eyelashes and pouted at Trey. She knew that look got her anything she wanted when it came to the men in her life.

"Okay but... make.... sure.... you.... see... me ... after love." Trey instructed as kissed her between each word. Y/N bit her lip as she watched him walk away.

"I guess I'll see you at dinner?" Keith asked. But he only got a 'mhm' in response because Y/N's eyes stayed locked on Trey's silhouette as he walked down the hallway


"I'm so stuffed. I haven't been blessed like that in months." Y/N patted her stomach and laid sprawled out on Keith's queen size bed.

Keith ignore her statement and looked at her. "What's been going on with you? You've been ignoring and dodging me for Trey. Did I do something wrong or...?

Y/N looked away from Keith. She found more interest in the wall than his face. " You really want to know?"

"Yeah. We tell each other everything."

Y/N adjusted herself on the bed and faced Keith. She bluntly said, " I don't think she's right for you"

Keith's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Y/N. He was waiting for her to say she was joking but he didn't get that. "Listen I know we saw Get Out together and you're con-....," His sentence was cut short by Y/N hitting him in the chest.

It was silent for a few seconds before the both of them started to bust out laughing. Y/N clutch her stomach as she tried to respond. "It's not because she's white, stupid."

Keith wiped his tears and tried to catch his breath. "Damn, what is it? 'Cause if we're being honest Trey ain't right for you either."

Y/N ignored his statement and answered him. " I've been here for you every step of the way and I'm awarded with a friendship. What does she have that I don't?" Y/N crawled towards him and sat on his lap. Keith's breath hitched as he felt Y/N's tongue on his neck. He didn't know that she could make him that way. He felt on fire but he also knew that this wasn't his heart talking.

He pushed Y/N off of him. His head was in his hands as he tried to process what the hell just happened. "I think you need to leave."

Tears fell down Y/N's cheek. She tried to reason with Keith but he wasn't listening. "WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T? TELL ME! TYREE?"

Keith hovered over Y/N. His eyes were sad as he prepared to end his ten year relationship with his best friend. "Just go" Keith whispered.

Y/N shook her head, grabbing her things and running out the door.

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