A/N: Listen if you are upset by this imagine, don't blame me. This was requested by KeithObsession so fight her if you have any problems. 😭
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Song: Rain On Me
Artist: Ashanti
The reflection in the mirror didn't match the one that Y/N was used to seeing. Her slender face was now puffed up due to swelling. Her eyes were unrecognizable. The left was closed shut. Black and blue decorated her face and her the rest of her body. No matter how many times she washed out the blood in her mouth she still tasted it from her busted lip. Her body shook as she watched the doorknob jiggle uncontrollably. Her hands wrapped around her ears trying to block out the sounds of Keith banging on the door and screaming.
"Open the door. Baby... open the door. I'm sorry. You just get me so angry when you don't listen." Keith head rested on the door, chest heaving up and down while he listened to hear if there was any movement on the other side of the door. He sighed when he heard a murmured 'fuck you'. His back turned to the door and slid down. He knew it would be awhile before she opened the door.
Y/N's sat on the bathroom floor rocking back and forth. Her hands found themselves entangled in her hair . Piles of hair were all over the floor. She couldn't stop crying. Her mind couldn't grasp that things were bad. She still loved him at the end of the day. She slowly crawled to door twisting the knob, she wasn't even surprised to see Keith asleep on the floor. She moved his arm out the way and cuddled next to him. He began to stir in his sleep. His eyes slowly open and he looked down to see Y/N playing with his necklace. His lips connected with her forehead as they laid in the darkness.
The sounds of the birds chirping didn't wake the neighbors up the next day. It was the sound of yelling and plates being thrown.
Keith quickly dodged the plate that missed his face by millimeters. He bobbed and weaved trying not to get hit. "You son of bitch! How could you?! You're no good just like ya daddy." Y/N screamed. She had found out that his phone was filled with different numbers of female with multitudes of nude exchanges.
"I'm so fucking glad you had a miscarriage. I would hate for you to be the mother of my child. Crazy ass bitch." Y/N dropped the plates letting it crash at her foot as the tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly wiped her tears before her eyes turned black. She was filled with rage as she attacked Keith. Both of their hands flew as they let out their frustration.
"I hate you. You'll never be anything. Pussy ass. Real men don't need to put their hands on women." Y/N harshly spat as she spit at him.
Something in Keith changed as his hands wrapped around her neck. His grip tightened around her as her words circulated in his mind. Y/N hands swung around as she tried to catch her breath.
"KEITH... I CAN'T... I CAN'T BREATHE." Y/N's turned to pale and her breathing became sporadic.
The front door of the apartment busted opened as the next door neighbor pulled Keith off of Y/N's body. "KEITH YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER, STOP!"
Y/N stopped breathing momentarily before there was evidence of movement. She slowly sat up, rubbing her neck, coughing. She looked at Keith and didn't recognize the man in front of her. Her legs seemed to have a mind of her own as she ran out the apartment complex. She didn't care that rain soaked her shirt all she cared about was leaving. Her knees fell to the ground while she hoarsely screamed out. Enough was finally enough.
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