Confessions [Miss You Part II]

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Song: Confessions (Part I and II)

Artist: Usher

"You did what?" Bryshere asked. He had to make sure his ears were not deceiving him. "How the fuck did that happen? You sure you care about your girl?

"It's Trina from our psychology class. You know I'm new here so she showed me around the city. It was harmless at first but then things started to change. She started looking real good to me. The thoughts I had in my head became a reality one night and it's been going on for 3 months now."

"Trina is bad as hell and if you weren't in a relationship I would be patting you on the back but damn man. You fucked up." Bryshere looked at Keith and shook his head.

"You don't think I know that. Y/N is my whole world. My heart and I messed this up badly." Keith was panicking at the moment because he was going to lose the girl of his dreams.

"Man whatever. How'd you find out?" Bryshere asked, annoyed. He wasn't falling for Keith's fake ass heartbreak.

"Her best friend called me because Trina was too hysterical to do it herself." Keith sighed.

2 weeks ago

Keith was sitting in class waiting for the professor to walk in when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He slid the phone out of his pocket and answered the phone without looking at the Caller ID.

"Hello," Keith spoke into the phone quietly.

"Hey, Keith. It's Benji. Can we talk real quickly?" The girl on the other end sounded stressed. She didn't want to be in the middle of this but her friend was scared.

"Yo I'm in class, I'ma call you right back," Keith was trying to rush Benji off the phone. He felt uncomfortable talking to her.

"It's really important please," Benji pleaded with the boy on the phone. She hated this.

"No I gotta listen to this lecture, I'ma call you back," Keith said annoyed. He didn't understand why she was calling him. They weren't cool like that

"You don't understand" Benji was annoyed. Keith was being rude right now. She wanted to tell him the news and get off the phone.

"I'm in class man," Keith was real closing to popping off in class. He didn't want to be playing this stupid game with Benji.

"You know what?I'm just going to go ahead and say it, Congratulation you're going to be a father." Benji waited for a response but all she heard was heavy breathing on the other end.

"Man quit playing with me man," Keith process what Benji said before he sighed. He refused to believe it.

"Nobody's playing. Trina's pregnant" Benji smacked her teeth. She was over the whole situation.

"No for real don't play like that," Keith was sitting in his chair panicking. His heart rate quicken and his phone was slowly slid out of his hand as they became sweaty.

Benji rolled her eyes and ran her hand down her face. "Keith, I swear to God, don't test my patience."

"Are you, are you serious?" He had to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

"I have no reason to lie," Benji really couldn't stand being in this predicament. If Keith and Trina used a condom there would be no problems right now.

Keith's voice cracked as he asked the question,"How you know?"

Benji looked up at the sky and prayed that she could be rewarded for what she's doing. She nonchalantly said, "I'm with her right now"

"Put that on everything," Keith felt tears building up as he put his head down on the table.

"I'm so serious right now," Benji harshly spoke.

Keith stuttered over his words as he tried to get off the phone and recollect himself "Damn, I'ma call you back."

Benji was anger. Keith was pissing her off. Her voice had risen, "You need to talk to her. Tf?"

"I'ma call you back." Keith quickly hung up the phone before grabbing his bag and running out the class.

"Are you going to tell her?" Bryshere was curious. Even though he thought Y/N was annoying, he still didn't think she deserved to be treated this way.

"I have to. I've been lying to her and being unfaithful." Keith let tears rolled down his cheeks as he thought about his girlfriend.

"Man, you need to leave them tears elsewhere. You knew what you were doing." Bryshere was annoyed at his friend.

Bryshere's back was turned as Keith lunged at him and pushed him hard. Bryshere turned around punched Keith in his jaw. Before Keith could attack Bryshere, he was held up against the wall. Keith was fuming. His face was red and his breathing was erratic.

"Don't be mad at me, Be mad at yourself." Bryshere said as he pushed him one last time as he grabbed his things and walked out the dorm.

Keith slowly slid down the wall, his hands resting on his head as he tried to calm himself down. He sprung up and grabbed his keys before rushing out the door.

He was going to fix this but it was too late. Y/N knew.

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