Green Eyed Monster

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A/N: Requested by xotiller . This definitely not my best but I hope you enjoy anyways love!

Flirtatious smiles and touching seemed to be the only thing Keith saw as he watched his girlfriend, Y/N, smile in the face of another man. The scene in front of him ,however, wasn't what it seemed. Keith's couldn't seem to wrap his mind around it being anything else. He stared in pure anger, his feet leading him towards the direction of the two individuals.

Y/N's laughing ceased when she saw the freckled boy approaching, nostrils flared and breathing heard from a mile away. The man noticed the change in her expression and his eyebrows automatically furrowed at the woman's worried expression.  Before he could form the words to ask her what's wrong, he was yanked from his seat. The man automatically went into defense mood and swung his fist in the air. The sound of bones cracking caused Y/N to spring up to her feet and grabbed Keith's back. His movement stopped but his adrenaline kept pushing as he breathed heavily. His eyes held a hard glare at the man in front of him. Blobbs of dark red blood came flying out of the other man's mouth as he stared too. Y/N's hand collided with Keith's chest. She kept pushing him and pushing him letting her frustration go. His jealousy was becoming annoying and it really made her  start to question their relationship.

"What the fuck, Keith?," Y/N screamed in his face, her eyes slightly lingering over his black and blue nose that dripped with blood. The blood stained his face and seeped into the fabric of his white shirt. The crookedness of his nose made her turned to her friend. Her voice was raised and her eyebrow was perfectly arched to indicate that she was in no mood for the childish games that were just displayed in front of her. "What the fuck, Isaiah?"

Keith's body slumped out against the floor causing a loud thud to echo in the small space. Y/N quickly rushed over there and held his head. His adrenaline had finally died down and the pain from his nose being broken had caused his body to become weak.


Keith's eyes could barely stay open. The bright lights seemed to make his eyes want to stay close to block the light. He could hear the sounds of his girlfriend talking to someone but the other voice wasn't familiar. He slowly opened his eyes to meet those of his girlfriend.

"Nigga you got knocked the fuck out," Her obnoxious laugh bounced off the wall as she imitated the script from the couple's favorite movie, Friday.

Keith smacked his teeth in annoyance. His eyes finally adjusting to the bright lights. His eyes landed on the other person in the room, his breath hitching once he realized who it was. The reason for his broken nose was staring him in the face. "What is he doing here?"

Y/N and the man's eyes caught each other as their heads flew back from the laughter that echoed in the room. Keith felt himself get angry, ready to fight again. The other man grabbed his wrist before he could spring up. "I'm Y/N's new co teachers. We were discussing lesson plans and how to rearrange the classroom for the safety of the three year olds. While talking we laughed a little but I'm a definitely not interested. You... however just might have a chance."

Keith's face turned pale from the statement. Before he could muster up the words to respond; Y/N responded for him. "That's what you get for being jealous." Y/N stood up and gently kiss his bruised nose.

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