↠ {19}

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"Yesterday did not go as planned." Roman sighed.

Last night Seth got robbed yet again. We thought we got rid of the only threat Chris Jericho but it seems that now we have to worry about Triple H as well after that stunt he pulled. Seth, Roman, Bayley, Finn and I sat in my suite living room and trying to create a new game plan.

"The only way to win is to play the game. It's time to get dirty. Are you down with that?" I asked everyone.

"I'm down." Said Seth. One by one they agreed.

"I have a plan." I said. "And we might need a certain lunatic for it." I smirked.

"We all happen to know one." Roman chuckled.

"So what's the plan babe?" Asked Seth.

"Babe?" Finn asked stunned.

"Oh honey, I forgot to tell you. They're a couple now." Said Bayley.

Finn started to smile. "I always knew there was something going on between the two of you." He smirked. "I'm so happy y'all." He added.

"Thanks bro." Said Seth.

"Now that we've got that outta the way, let's continue. What you've got in mind Gabi?" Asked Bayley.

"I'm glad you asked." I said and smiled. "Okay so firstly, we're gonna have to get you a rematch this Sunday at Fastlane." I said pointing at Seth.

"How though?" Asked a confused Seth Rollins.

"Yeah, how? I mean Sami Zayn is versing KO for title at Fastlane." Finn pointed.

"I knew y'all were gonna say that." I smirked. "You're going to challenge Kevin for a rematch at Fastlane on Twitter. You have a huge fan base so they'll definitely back you up."

"So if he accepts, we got ourselves a Triple Threat Match. Nice. I like the way you think." Said Roman.

"What if he doesn't accept? You did say that Kevin is scared of Seth. So why would he accept?" Asked Bayley.

"That's plan B."

"How many plans are there?"

"Two. There's always a plan B."

We all took a moment to laugh at my constant mocking of Triple H.

Just to see if we're all on the same page, I explained again. "Plan A is challenging Kevin and he accepts, therefore we have a Triple Threat Match. Plan B comes into play if Kevin doesn't accept."

"Okay I get it now." Said Bayley.

"So what happens if he doesn't accept?"

"We call in reinforcements."

"We call in the lunatic." Smirked Roman. Seth let out a evil laugh. Damn it's so sexy.

The reason for calling Dean is because if Roman or Finn gets involved then Seth might not get the rematch. Because of the whole brand extension which caused Seth and Dean to be on different brands, nobody except us actually knows that the two of them have made up, so if Dean attacks Sami and makes it seem like Sami attacked him first then people won't suspect Seth. And let's face it, we all know that Dean  Ambrose is good at making other people look bad.

"What happens when a certain lunatic goes on the loose and accidentally injures Sami Zayn before his match at Fastlane?"

"Ohh, you're evil." Said Bayley as she let out a chuckle.

"You're so freakin hot." Said Seth.

"You'll do a good job playing heel." Said Roman.

"KO will not have a opponent." Said Finn.

"Yeah! And that's where Seth comes in. You've gotta make Kevin angry." I said.

"You've gotta piss him off so badly that he'll have no choice but to accept your challenge." Said Roman.

"I know how to do that. But first let's challenge him." Said Seth. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started typing on it. "Done." He said after about five minutes as he turned his phone around and showed all of us the tweet he sent out. He then turned and looked at me and says "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I replied as we shared a little kiss in front of everybody.

"You've got to beat Charlotte." Said Finn.

"Yep. I need to prove to everyone that she's not the queen, I am!"

"The only way to claim the throne is to slay the queen." Seth said.

"I gonna hit her with the C4, pin her for the second time, take that precious title away from her and claim the throne." I smirked.

"That's my girl." Said Bayley.

"All three of us are leaving Fastlane champions." Smirked Roman.

"The hounds of justice." Said Bayley.

"That's actually a great idea." Roman shouted.

"What is?" Asked Bayley as she chuckled.

"The fourth member of The Shield." Said Seth as both he and Roman turned to look at me with big smiles on their faces. Wait a minute.. their not talking about me, are they?

"Me?" I asked confused.

"You've always being a fan of The Shield, so now join us." Seth smirked.

"I'll think about it."

"You better join us or I'll...-" Roman paused.

"You'll what?" I raised a eyebrow at him.

"I'll spear you." Smirked Roman.

"And I'll pedigree you." Smirked Seth.

"And then I'll Curb Stomp both of you." This time I smirked.

"You can't use my own move against me." Seth protested.

"Yeah. You can't use a Shield move against The Shield." Roman chuckled.

"Yes I can. And by the way Rollins, you abandoned the Curb Stomp, so right now it's on the market." I teased him.

"I abandoned it because it was dangerous and banned from WWE. No one should ever use that move." He frowned. That was one of his favourite moves.

"That was a sick move." Said Finn.

"They should have allowed you to use it now and then." Said Bayley.

Roman shook his head. "Too risky."

"It would be setting a bad example to kids. It's easy to perform and very dangerous." Said Seth.

"I've been hit by that move so many times." Said Roman as he put his head down and laughed.

"You were actually the second person I ever used that move on. Dean was the first." Seth said to Roman.

"Seriously?" Asked Bayley.

"Yeah he was. I remember it clearly." I said.

"Not something I would want to remember." Said Roman as the rest of us laughed, forcing him to laugh with us.


In this chapter, we found out something new about Gabi. We learnt that when she really loves someone, she's willing to turn naive for them. We can see that she's not only doing this to get revenge on KO but also because she really does love Seth.

That's kinda what I think of this chapter. What are your thoughts? Lemme know!

Thanks for reading! 😬 Please vote and comment 🙏🏼❤️ x

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